Agraria Journal Winter 2021

ALBERTA DEMPSEY Alberta Dempsey started working with Agraria in May 2021 as an intern on a Central State University research project on sweet potatoes. The research aims to collect baseline data on the fitness and vitality of a selection of sweet potato varieties collected from wild populations around the world. The goal of the project is to increase access to more diverse crops by identifying wild varieties with genetic traits that allow them to thrive in the cooler Ohio climate. Alberta was subsequently hired as full-time staff member to support a number of other land-based projects. Alberta’s background is primarily in plant science and ecology, with an emphasis on research and its applications. They graduated in 2021 from Ohio University with a bachelor’s degree in environmental and plant biology. While in school, they learned about plant health and anatomy, ecosystem restoration, plant community ecology, data collection and analysis, algal ecology, and mycology. They dabbled in the crossover of green infrastructure, sustainable city planning, and plant ecology when they helped plan research focused on the plant community dynamics of green roof plantings. They also have experience working on ecological restoration projects, mostly through invasive species management, and have gardened a little bit for fun. “I feel fortunate that I get to do work that supports the resilience of our farms and our communities through being a steward of genetic diversity, not just in our food crops but also in our natural ecosystems,” says Alberta. “Projects like the CSU sweet potato project might seem small, but spaces dedicated to learning about plants and the natural world are extremely important for their role in helping us test ideas and look for solutions that will help keep us and our ecosystems healthy in a changing climate. “I’m excited to further my knowledge and work with Agraria on future research projects, ecosystem restoration, and conservation projects.” 38 AGRARIA JOURNAL 2021 New Staff Profiles