
28 AGRARIA JOURNAL 2022 Days in the Life of the Land Team Who tends the land and grows the food? How is it done? From early spring to high summer to early fall, “Day in the Life” shows Agraria’s farm and facilities staff — David Brown, Alberta Dempsey, Amanda Hernandez, River Johnson, Matthew Salazar, and Jeremy Schleining — at work on and with the land. Clockwise, from top left: Planting starts in March in the high tunnel, where seeds germinate and staff tend the growing plants. As the weather warms in late April to early May, growing shifts outside, with row covers protecting young plants from lingering frost. This year, planting also began at Agraria’s George Washington Carver Farm, a new site for growing, teaching, and research rooted in Carver’s philosophy and practices. AMY HARPER AMY HARPER