soda fountain, which doubles as a delicious apothecary; drop in on a class at Agraria about foraging for backyard wild edibles; and take a walk in the woods at United Plant Savers, an Ohio organization that’s working to save medicinal plants in forests around the world. EPISODE 6: BUILDING HEALTH FROM THE GROUND UP In this episode, we turn to the ground beneath our feet to bring you stories from two agricultural pioneers in Ohio. One is a farmer David Brandt, who turned to cover crops in the 1970s to replenish the soil in his fields. The other is an award-winning soil scientist Dr. Rattan Lal, who is research- ing how healthy soils can be used to combat climate change. We wrap up this episode at Guided by Mushrooms, an urban mushroom farm in Dayton whose gourmet mushrooms are not only good for you but also good for your soil. RESOURCES FOR EDUCATORS Each Grounded Hope episode is paired with Resources for Educators curated by our Humanities Scholars Beth Bridgeman from Antioch College, and Rick Livingston from Ohio State University. Resources include discussion questions, links to relevant podcasts and videos, suggestions for further reading, and recipes. Here are a few samples: DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 1.What are the costs and benefits- human, environmental, social, economic, political—of food production and consumption today? (Episode 1) 2. Leah Penniman’s book is called Farming While Black. In what ways might the experiences and concerns of Black farmers be distinct from those of white farmers (or farmers of other ethnicities)? (Episode 2) 3. In what context did the U.S. government first take up agroforestry? What were the benefits of large-scale agroforestry initiatives like the Great Plains Shelterbelt? (Episode 3) 4. What makes bison a “keystone species” for prairie ecosystems? How does their behavior support biodiversity on the prairie? (Episode 4) 5. Many of the plants Janet Lasley mentions tend to be regarded as “weeds:” dandelions, purslane, lambs quarters, clover. What’s the difference between weeds and cultivated crops? (Episode 5) AGRARIA JOURNAL 2021 31 Agraria BY THE NUMBERS RENEE WILDE ROSE HARDESTY
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