This has been an incredible project. During the pandemic, we were pushing for kids to outdoors more. As adults it was exhausting for us to be online all day, so you know it was exhausting for the kids as well. What started changing [after the program started] was that students were becoming more and more excited about their outdoor spaces. And not only more connected to their environment, but also more connected to me, their nature teacher. Every time I saw them, in the store downtown or wherever, they wanted to tell me what they had found. Even now when they’re back in school, they come to tell me what they’ve found. Going outside and investigating has become a habit for them. They’re investigators. They’re noting things and the relationship between living things. It’s just fun! And I’m learning with them. I’m also investigating. I was not really connected to nature before. I was afraid of spiders. And now I’m not. I would call Emily and say, “Oh, this is changing my life.” Sarah Amin, K-3 Foundations Teacher/Teacher Support Specialist, Mill Lawn School It forced us out of the house even when the weather was not so great. We explored and uncovered things we didn’t normally think about. [I liked] seeing him going outdoors with a curious mind and thinking about how to take notes and report back to his teachers and classmates. Chris Bongorno, parent It was really cool. I really liked it that it mostly involved outside. I learned how to make a mandala and that was fun. Now sometimes when I’m in my bedroom with the window open and I’m listening to the birds, I hear a certain bird that I pay attention. I like how it sings. Riley Akers, first grade, Mills Lawn School Big Map-Out! REFLECT IONS The Big Map Out! program and students’ tools and books were funded by: The Yellow Springs Community Foundation The Mills Lawn PTO The Yellow Springs School District The Martha Holden Jennings Foundation Agraria 36 AGRARIA JOURNAL 2021 Scenes from the Big Map Out! celebration in May.
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