2018-19 Guide To Yellow Springs
12 the Guide to YelLow Springs y 2018 - 1 9 Y e l l ow S p r i n g s N ews youth orgAN I ZAT I ONS BSA Scouts Troop 78 ema i l : yellowspringstroop78@gmail.com Local BSA Scouts Troop 78 has been char- tered as a troop for over 75 years in Yellow Springs and meets regularly at the First Presbyterian Church. The troop is open to both girls and boys, grades 6 and up. Although we enjoy camping, cycling, hiking the Glen and geocaching, the focus of our scouting program is community service, inclusiveness, volunteerism and living the Scout Law as a group and as individuals. Our scouts learn new skills, practice team- work, build leadership capacity and grow as young people as well as achieving success as scouts. The troop parks cars with the local PTO for the Street Fair and sells popcorn in September and wreaths in November, all to minimize activity costs to scouts and their families. Check out the troop’s website at www.ystroop78.org . Cub Scouts Contac t: Pack578 .scoutlander.com Cub Scouts is a volunteer program for girls and boys who are in kindergarten through fifth grades (ages 5–11). The Cub Scouts in Yellow Springs are rep- resented by Pack 578, sponsored by the First Presbyterian Church. Pack 578 is grouped into dens of Webelos, Wolf, Bear, Tiger and Lion Cubs. Children in kindergarten may participate in the Tiger Cub program. Den meetings are held twice a month, with a pack meeting once a month at the Presbyterian Church. The Cub Scout program helps children grow through character development, craft skills, citizenship training and activities that involve skits and games and physical fit- ness skills. Pack events include a Pinewood Derby and other races, overnight camps and service opportunities. Currently, individual den leaders run the dens in Yellow Springs. Volunteers are always welcome and needed. Fair Play 4-H Club Contac t: Kathleen Galarza, 937-838-7411 ema i l : galarzaohio@earthlink.net The Fair Play 4-H Club includes boys and girls ages 5–18, and helps them grow into productive, contributing members of society. Fair Play 4-H Club offers fun, active opportunities for personal learning and growth through club meetings, projects, hands-on learning, leadership opportuni- ties, fairs and activities. Participants are encouraged to explore their own unique interests and share their knowledge with others in the club. Girl Scouts Contac t: Susan Hyde, 767-7756; Girl Scouts of Western Ohio, 800-233-4845 ema i l : susanhyde@aol.com The Girl Scouts of the USA strive to develop self-esteem, a strong personal value system, skill in interpersonal relationships and the ability and desire to contribute mean- ingfully to society. Locally, girls 5 to 17 can participate in a variety of activities such as camping, earn- ing badges, community service and product sales. Troop camping, resident and day camps are available for all ages. Leaders for troops are needed every year; leaders do not need to be a parent of an active scout. Volunteers are welcome. Perry League Contac t: Jimmy Chesire, 767-7300, 937‑708-9243 ema i l : jimmy.chesire@wright.edu Perry League, Yellow Springs’s unique, hilarious and wonderful T-ball program, is a noncompetitive beginner’s baseball pro- gram for girls and boys ages 2 to 9. Two- and 3-year-olds are welcome if accompanied on the diamond by an adult. There is no fee, no registration. Children can begin to play on any of the 10 Friday nights, and there is no requirement to play every week. Organizers try to keep it simple, try to make it fun and are serious about keeping it noncompetitive. There are no outs, no runs, no scores and no one ever strikes out: you get a 1,000 strikes in T-ball. Every child gets a chance to field and to bat a couple of times each evening. Organizers try to be as tender, patient and loving as possible. The program is open to all children regardless of race, color, creed, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, abil- ity or disability or spiritual inclination. Children come out to play ball, to play in the water at the drinking fountain, to play in the grasses around the two fields, to hang out with their old and or new friends and they often come out to just sit and play in the dust of the Gaunt Park ball diamonds. The Perry League is a self-sustaining, all volunteer program. Donations from parents, grandparents, loving aunts, loving uncles, big brothers, big sisters, friends of the program, the children themselves, and the sale of T-shirts allow the program to pay for itself. Perry League is held every Friday night from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Gaunt Park. The season runs for 10 weeks beginning on the first Friday in June and ending on the first Friday in August with a wiener roast potluck picnic, at which we award every child a Perry League trophy. It’s great fun for kids and adults alike, so why don’t you come on out and play with us? Sea Dogs We b : ysacseadogs.swimtopia.com The Yellow Springs Sea Dogs is a com- petitive summer swim team for youth ages 5–18. The season runs from the begin- ning of June until the end of July. There are eight dual meets and a championship meet during June and July. The Sea Dogs swim team teaches the essentials of all four competitive strokes in an atmosphere of camaraderie and fun. Practices are held Monday–Thursday. https://ysnews.com Detox. RELAX. Breathe. THINK. Dream. RECOVER. Enjoy. Float sessions range from 1 hour to 8 hours. 937-696-9595 www.GravitySpa.com
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