2018-19 Guide To Yellow Springs

56 the Guide to YelLow Springs y 2018 - 1 9 Y e l l ow S p r i n g s N ews $ $ $ Continued from page 55 commun i ty organ i zat i ons participants will squeeze together to accom- modate an additional vendor. This market supports economic diversity and openness with as few rules as possible. The Corner Cone Farmers Market does not require rent or dues and is made possible by the generos- ity of Bob and Sue Swaney, owners of Corner Cone, located at the Corner of Dayton and Walnut streets. The market is open 7–11 a.m. Saturdays. Enhance Worldwide Contac t: Ashley Lackovich-Van Gorp, 937‑708‑0144 ema i l : enhanceworldwide@gmail.com We b : www.enhanceworldwide.org Enhance Worldwide envisions com- munities where girls and women have the skills to lead meaningful, dignified lives and where each individual has agency, autonomy and aspirations. Working toward this vision, Enhance Worldwide helps girls, women and their communi- ties discover strategies to navigate the challenges to their well-being in order to develop as individuals in their own right. The organization currently ser ves 150 direct beneficiaries across three programs in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Activities focus on minimalizing the risk of child marriage, forced labor, violence and traf ficking through family support, access to educa- tion and life skills development. Feminist Health Fund Contac t: 767‑8949; P.O. Box 323, Yellow Springs, OH 45387 ema i l : info@feministhealthfund.org We b : www.feministhealthfund.org For more than 30 years, The Feminst Health Fund, a Yellow Springs-based non- profit, has raised funds to help women in Greene County pay for traditional and alter- native medical--related expenses. For more information, to make a donation or to apply for a grant, please give us a call or visit our website, www.feministhealthfund.org. Food Co-op/ Buying Club Contac t: Luan Heit, 767‑1823 The Yellow Springs Food Co-op is a local buying club. The group orders natural and organic food and other household products at affordable prices, with a minimum of work for its members. Members place orders online from a wide selection of products. Delivery is every four weeks on Wednesday afternoon. Friends Care Community Contac t: 150/170 E. Herman St., 767‑7363 We b : www.friendshealthcare.org Friends Care Community has a single goal: the affirmation of life. Friends Care’s continuous care community has succeeded in meeting the needs of seniors who seek security and quality care, first with extended care, then with assisted living and indepen- dent living homes. Friends Care is located on a 22-acre campus. Friends is owned and operated by the Friends Health Care Asso- ciation and has been a nonprofit community since 1977. Friends Care is a 66-bed skilled and long- term nursing facility. In August of 2011, Friends completed construction on a new, 16 private room rehabilitation center, provid- ing a distinct unit for care of short-term stay rehab and nursing services. Friends Assisted Living Center is a licensed 20-unit facility designed to enhance independence, security and socialization in a quiet setting. Friends Independent Living Homes are senior living duplexes. Buyers can choose between two- and three-bedroom units and two building design plans. Each duplex features a garage, appliances and mainte- nance-free living. Great Books Contac t: Ken Huber, 767‑1160 ema i l : kenneth.huber@att.net Currently, meetings are held September through June on the second Thursday of the month at 6:30 p.m. in the fireplace room of the YS Senior Center, 227 Xenia Ave. The group brings together people whose love of reading is part of their quest for life- long learning. The group uses a method rec- ommended by the Great Books Foundation, a pioneer of book discussion. This approach of shared inquiry encourages participants to look to their own experiences, rather than to outside sources of expertise, in their discus- sion of a work. Green Environmental Coalition Contac t: P.O. Box 553 ema i l : gec@greenlink.org We b : www.greenlink.org The Green Environmental Coalition (GEC) is a grass-roots activist group founded in 1990. The coalition’s mission is to have a positive impact on local, state and regional environmental issues. Currently GEC is involved in several proj- ects in the area, including: • Helping to reduce the negative impact of the Fairborn Cement Plant’s operations on local residents; •Monitoring air quality of the area through the Regional Air Pollution Control Agency; • Providing environmental educational information at the YS Street Fair; • Educating collaboration between regional environmental organizations. GEC helps support neighbors’ involve- ment in a range of local environmental issues, as well as becoming involved in state and federal environmental regulation efforts. Grinnell Mill Foundation Contac t: Chris Mucher, 767‑1391 We b : www.grinnellmill.org The Grinnell Mill foundation is a nonprofit foundation comprising Miami Township, Glen Helen and the Yellow Springs Historical Society. Its purpose is the preservation and promotion of the historical and educationally Every Saturday | 7am-noon | April - November | XX XX BEHIND THE YE OLDE TRAIL TAVERN IN THE KINGS YARD PARKING LOT, OFF WALNUT ST. 30+ YEARS OF FRESH, LOCAL FOOD Available by appointment 937-319-1011 www.edenworld.net 105 W. North College St. Kim Plinovich, LMT Massage: $40/30 mins, $80/60 mins, $120/90 mins Reiki: $25/20 mins, $35/30 mins, $50/40 mins, $70/60 mins LaStone Therapy: $105/75 mins, $125/90 mins Hot Stone Reflex: $75/60 mins Foot Reflexology: $55/45 mins www.wellnesscenter. antiochcollege.edu 937.319.0100 An oasis of health and wellness in Yellow Springs. The renovated 44,000-sq. ft. Wellness Center — spacious and filled with natural light — is designed to preserve historic architectural elements while incorporating modern amenities. • Pool & Large Therapy Spa equipped with UV filtration system to minimize chlorine • Swim lessons for children & adults • Day passes, monthly & annual memberships available One Morgan Place Yellow Springs, OH