2018-19 Guide To Yellow Springs

60 the Guide to YelLow Springs y 2018 - 1 9 Y e l l ow S p r i n g s N ews Yellow Springs inaugurated its first PorchFest on Saturday, Oct. 6, 2018. The musical round-robin affair had villagers and visitors walking to porches, driveways and backyards to hear a wide array of local musicians perform. The seven-hour event was spread out over 20 locations and hosted 38 acts. Above, Mojo Power performed at the Haller home on Limestone Street; left, Leah Danette sang out from the library porch; below, Devil’s Backbone with Carl Schumacher, center.   Surround Sound—  y  Debut of YS porchfest y • Photos, From Top, by Robert Hasek, Diane Chiddister, Matthew Collins Esther S. Battle, Ph.D. Licensed Clinical Psychologist for the psychological evaluation and treatment of children, adolescents, adults, couples and families 403 Xenia Avenue for appointments call 767-7979