
61 YELLOW SPRINGS NEWS The GUIDE to YELLOW SPRINGS 2019 – 20 Saint Paul Catholic Church Phillips at Elm Street Established 1856 WEEKLY MASS Sundays: 11:15 a.m. Wednesdays: 6 p.m. Office: 308 Phillips Street • (937) 372-3193 • Fax (937) 767-7465 office@stpaulyellowsprings.org • www.stpaulyellowsprings.org Jewelry •  Clothing •  Home Accents Gifts for All Occasions 230 Xenia | 767-1628 A Collection of UNIQUE TREASURES From Abroad Hours: Monday–Friday 8 a.m.–5:30 p.m. Saturday 8 a.m.–Noon • Closed Sunday ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS dance and movement classes. The church offers diverse styles of wor- ship on Sundays at 10:30 a.m., Sunday school for children and youth and both adult and children’s choirs. The church is an inclusive community of God’s people continuing Christ’s ministry of justice, mercy and love in the world. GRANDMOTHER DRUM HEALING CIRCLE CONTAC T: Grandmother Peggy, 767‑9331; Grandmother Abby, 767‑1170 The Grandmother Drum Healing Circle holds occasional gatherings on the Saturday nearest the full moon, from 7 to 9 p.m., at Rockford Chapel on the Antioch College campus. The group draws from indigenous spir- itual practices that recognize and honor the wisdom of female elders, the healing power of the drum and the importance of our con- nection to the earth. The group aims to build community and support one another. Each gathering begins with a silent meditation, followed by a fire ceremony and drumming. Colored cloths represent the four directions, and these colors swirl together to form pastels that flow out in all directions with a voice for peace. The circle is open to everyone to honor the sacredness of the full moon. Following drumming, participants share finger foods and conversations. HEART RHYTHM MEDITATION CONTAC T: Denise Runyon and Tom Malcolm, 937‑623‑2047 EMA I L : darun@sbcglobal.net WE B : iamheart.org Looking for insight, strength and hope, healing and guidance? We find it in the heart, an inner source that is typically unnoticed or guarded. Our hearts are so much more than we know. Heart Rhythm Meditation offers the tools needed to experience a Change of Heart. Our goal is heart consciousness in which we reach an integration of self that includes the body, mind, heart and soul. In doing so, we see ourselves, each other and the world dif- ferently and creatively. The HRM method of using the breath and heartbeat in rhythm together is based on long standing mystical teachings and sup- ported by scientific research. It is an applied, engaged method of meditation that yields improved health, relationships, purpose and spiritual life. We learn to live from the heart. Heart Rhythm Meditation is universal. All hearts are welcome. Denise Runyon and Tom Malcolm lead a guided Heart Rhythm Meditation weekly on Tuesdays, 7–8 p.m., at the House of AUM, lo- cated at 125 S. Walnut St. Donations request- ed, or pay by sliding fee scale of $5–$10–$15. Denise and Tom are graduates of the Insti- tute for Applied Meditation, an international nonprofit organization dedicated to building the culture of the heart. For more informa- tion about Heart Rhythm Meditation, visit iamheart.org. PLEASANT GROVE MISSIONARY CHURCH CONTAC T: Pastor Bryan Graham, 767‑8011 EMA I L : pleasantgrovemc@gmail.com WE B : www.pleasantgroveMC.org ; www. facebook.com/pleasantgrovemc The Missionary Church is an Evangelical denomination, committed to church plant- ing and world missions. The Pleasant Grove Missionary Church has been a part of this community since 1945. Come and experi- ence God’s love as we exalt the name of Jesus. Sunday school classes for all ages begin- ning at 9:30 a.m. Sunday worship and chil- dren’s church starting at 10:45 am. A nursery is available for all Sunday morning services. Sunday evening Bible study is held at 6 p.m. ST. PAUL CATHOLIC CHURCH CONTAC T: 308 Phillips St., 767‑7450, fax 767‑7465 EMA I L : office@stpaulyellowsprings.org WE B : www.stpaulyellowsprings.org The cornerstone of the first St. Paul Catho- lic Church was laid in 1856 on a lot at the cor- ner of West North College and High streets. In 1908 the current church at the corner of Phillips and Elm streets was dedicated in a building that once housed the First Christian Church. St. Paul has 300 registered family units on its roster. It offers the Parish School of Reli- gion for Pre-K- through 12th-grade students, Youth Ministry and Adult Faith Formation throughout the school year. The parish praises God in word, song and Eucharist in its masses on Sundays at 11:15 a.m. The parish has an outreach to various groups and people in the area. It rejoices in the richness of the Roman Catholic tradition and in the diversity of a worshipping commu- nity drawn from the variety of Yellow Springs and its environs. THE BODY GATHERING CONTAC T: 920 Corry St. WE B : www.thebodygathering.org ; www. facebook.com/TheBodyGathering/ People ask what kind of church we are, and it’s simple: We are a “relational” church. We strive to show that we care, and want to give back in any way possible as a church. Jesus is our focus, and his word is our guide as we go through our daily lives. If you are wondering what you should wear when you come check us out, we want you to simply be you. This is not about reli- gion — it’s about a relationship with Jesus. The longer we walk with him, the more he will work in our hearts and transform our lives. We look forward to seeing you this Sunday at 11 a.m. at the Body Gathering, located in the Foundry Theater at Antioch College, located at 920 Corry St. UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST FELLOWSHIP OF YELLOW SPRINGS CONTAC T: 372‑5613, 767‑1603 EMA I L : shbuzz2001@sbcglobal.net WE B : www.uuf ‑ys.org, www.uua.org Unitarian Universalists value a free search for truth, the importance of reason and the SP I R I TUAL ORGAN I ZAT IONS Continued on page 62