
62 The GUIDE to YELLOW SPRINGS 2019 – 20 YELLOW SPRINGS NEWS Tri l l ium Organic Services trilliumorganicservices.com 937-768-4272 Our door-to-door pickup service provides a safe, clean, easy and affordable way for Yellow Springs residents to divert their organic waste that traditionally ends up in landfills. Your Community’s Compost Waste Management Company right of conscience, drawing inspiration from science, history and all world religions. Unitarian Universalists believe that spiritual wisdom is ever-changing, and seek to act as a moral force in the world, putting faith into action through social justice work in the com- munity and the wider world. Unitarian Universalists are united by seven principles: • The inherent worth and dignity of every person. • Justice, equity and compassion in human relations. • Acceptance of one another and encourage- ment for spiritual growth. • A free and responsible search for truth and meaning. • The right of conscience and the democratic process. • Peace, liberty and justice for all. • Respect for the interdependent web of life. Individuals of all races, ethnic origins, religious philosophies, lifestyles, abilities and gender orientations are welcome at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Yellow Springs. The fellowship is located two miles south of Yellow Springs at 2884 U.S. 68 in Goes Station. Services are held at 10:30 a.m. on Sundays year-round, with religious education for children and youth and childcare for ba- bies and toddlers. The building is wheelchair accessible. All are invited to explore the UUFYS website, visit the fellowship and discover the inclusive community of Unitarian Uni- versalism. YELLOW SPRINGS CHRISTIAN CENTER CONTAC T: Charles Bunton, 324 E. Dayton‑Yellow Springs Road, 767‑9133, 767‑1997 EMA I L : charliebunton@gmail.com The assembly is a small church that provides a family-like atmosphere for both singles and families to find support and en- couragement. The special, unique quality of each individual is cherished and nurtured. The body of believers is warm and support- ive, with strong belief in the Bible as God’s manual for everyday living. Worship is infor- mal and participatory. The Yellow Springs Assembly of God Christian Center began in 1975 as an inde- pendent fellowship, and in 1977 associated with the Assemblies of God Fellowship. YELLOW SPRINGS DHARMA CENTER CONTAC T: 502 Livermore St., EMA I L : info@ysdharma.org WE B : www.ysdharma.org The Yellow Springs Dharma Center is a Buddhist meditation center supporting practice in the traditions of Vipassana, Zen and Tibetan Buddhism. The center seeks to create an environment that supports the de- velopment of calm, compassion and generos- ity; to encourage an awareness of one’s own thoughts; and to consider how one’s words and actions impact the world. To this end, the center sponsors many activities at the big brown house on Livermore Street. Daily silent meditation is offered at 7 a.m. every Monday through Friday, and at 7 p.m. every evening except Saturday. We also offer mid-day meditation at 8:15-8:45 a.m. on Tues- days and noon–12:30 p.m. on Wednesdays. Zen practice is offered on Saturday, 7:30–9:30 a.m., and Vipassana practice is offered on Sunday, 8–9:30 a.m. Vajrayana practice is held twice each month and is scheduled ac- cording to the Tibetan lunar calendar, so the Dharma Center’s website calendar should be consulted for practice dates. Those new to meditation and wanting to fa- miliarize themselves with a beginning practice are invited to attend a brief orientation session held on the second and fourth Mondays of every month at 7:45 p.m. Additionally, six-week Basic Meditation Courses are offered through- out the year by senior practitioners at the Dharma Center. Half-day retreats at the center and residential retreats of up to one week dura- tion are held at various times during the year as well. Several book discussion groups are held each year on Thursday evenings. Schedules, titles and leader information are posted on our website. A lending library is available for community use, with the contents posted on our website. Visiting teachers from the three traditions frequently hold teachings and prac- tice retreats. Visit www.ysdharma.org for ad- ditional information or changes and updates to the schedule. Follow the center on Facebook. YELLOW SPRINGS FRIENDS MEETING (QUAKERS) CONTAC T: Rockford Chapel, 515 President St. on Antioch College campus, 937‑232‑4250 WE B : www.quakercloud.org/cloud/ yellow‑springs‑friends‑meeting The Yellow Springs Meeting of the Reli- gious Society of Friends (Quakers) gathers each Sunday at Rockford Chapel on the An- tioch College campus. Meetings for worship are held in silence at 8:30 and 11:15 a.m., with individuals delivering spoken ministry when led by the Spirit. Quakers recognize divine presence in every person, and their quiet worship times, called meetings, are intended to deepen devotion to this Spirit. Religious education is offered for children and adults Sundays from 10 to 10:50 a.m., September through May. An additional meet- ing for worship is held at Rockford Chapel each Wednesday from 7 to 8 a.m. The meet- ing sponsors a peace witness every Saturday at noon on the corner of Limestone Street and Xenia Avenue. Yellow Springs Friends have been active in peace and social concerns at local, national and international levels. In the 1970s, this SP I R I TUAL Continued from page 61 Continued on page 64