
64 The GUIDE to YELLOW SPRINGS 2019 – 20 YELLOW SPRINGS NEWS Visit www.YSHomework.com to browse over 70 services we provide. TACKLING THE JOBS YOU HATE WHAT CAN WE DO FOR YOU? LOCALLY OWNED AND OPERATED. 4 REPAIR: from gutters or drywall holes to sticky locks, doors or drawers. 4 REPLACE: from tricky light fixtures & kitchen or sink faucets to reverse osmosis filters. 4 REPLENISH: from water softener salt to smoke detector batteries & furnace filters. 4 MAINTENANCE: from interior painting & water intrusion service to flushing water heaters. (937) 668-9721 SCOTT@YSHOMEWORK.COM MANAGED BY SCOTT STOLSENBERG J E W E L R Y CLOTH ING ART S AND C R A F T S 220 XENIA AVENUE K I NGS YARD 767- 1 918 WWW.TIBET-BAZAAR.COM f r om T I B E T N E PA L a n d I N D I A body initiated formation of an extended-care facility in Yellow Springs now known as Friends Care Community; assisted living and independ- ent living accommodations have been added. YELLOW SPRINGS HAVURAH CONTAC T: Leonard Kramer, 767‑2324 EMA I L : Len2654@gmail.com WE B : groups.yahoo.com/group/ yellowspringshavurah The Yellow Springs Havurah provides Jewish spiritual, religious, cultural, social and educational experiences. The Havurah holds Shabbat services on the first and third Saturdays of each month at 10 a.m., at Rock- ford Chapel on the Antioch College campus. A schedule of Havurah activities, including High Holy Day Services, is posted at groups. yahoo.com/group/yellowspringshavurah. YELLOW SPRINGS UNITED METHODIST CHURCH CONTAC T: Rev. Rick Jones; Linda Shook, 202 S. Winter St., 767‑7560 (church) EMA I L : pastor ‑ysumc@yellowsprings.com WE B : www.yellowspringsumc.com The Yellow Springs United Methodist Church is a warm, friendly, community-orient- ed congregation. The membership is diverse and consists of professional, working class and farm people, theologically representing the entire spectrum of faith understandings, from conservative to progressive. The congregation is also racially and ethnically diverse. The force that holds the group together is love: the love of Christ and a love for humankind. The United Methodist Church has been a presence in the village since 1837. Its current building was completed in 1846, dedicated in 1850, and has experienced a number of additions and improvements over the years. Today, the church serves the community by providing space for local support groups and organizations, in- cluding the community Emergency Food Pantry and Home, Inc., a nonprofit housing corporation. Sunday worship is held at 10:30 a.m. year- round. Church school begins at 9:30 a.m., Sep- tember through May. Bible studies and other programs sponsored by the church are always open to the community. The Yellow Springs United Methodist Church is a faith-based com- munity where everyone is welcome. SP I R I TUAL A detention basin along King Street became an accidental wetland at the paws of furry, semi-aquatic rodents that moved into the village in 2014. Beavers transformed a three-acre storm- water management area on the 45-acre Village-owned Glass Farm into a diverse ecosystem that has attracted great egrets, wood ducks, snapping turtles, cedar wax- wings, foxes, green frogs and more. But the beavers have been a menace, too. Over the next few years, Village crews were forced to repeatedly destroy beaver dams blocking a culvert. Then, in a truce between castorimorpha and human, the beavers were allowed to stay, thanks to a contrap- tion proposed by two villagers, designed by a local engineer, then built and installed by Village crews. Engineer John Eastman’s “beaver deceiver” allowed the beavers to keep their dam while clearing the blocked culvert. An official “Beaver Management Task Force,” a sub-committee of the Village Environ - mental Commission, formed in 2016, but disbanded when the beavers left the area a few years later. Their fate is unknown. —Megan Bachman Balancing beaver, human needs SUBMITTED PHOTO BY SCOTT STOLSENBERG One of the beavers that built a dam in a stormwater management area of the Glass Farm in 2014. The beavers have since left town. Continued from page 62