
66 The GUIDE to YELLOW SPRINGS 2019 – 20 YELLOW SPRINGS NEWS S TRENGTHENING C OMMUNITY through P ERMANENTLY A FFORDABLE H OMES For Membership, Home Buyer Information, Rentals, or to Join Our Home Buyer Coaching Program, call 767-2790 email: info @ yshome.org | www.yshome.org TOP PHOTO BY LAUREN HEATON, MIDDLE BY MATT MINDE, BOTTOM FROM THE YS NEWS ARCHIVE Photos of the annual Martin Luther King Jr. Day march through the years: At top, villagers linked arms on their way to the Central Chapel AME Church, in 2011; middle, the World House Choir sang during the post-march program at the Bryan Center in 2019; and below, Pastor John Freeman and Willa Dallas in an earlier commemoration from an undated YS News archive photo.