
10  GUIDE TO YELLOW SPR INGS  |  2020 – 2021 Bahá’í Faith C : Roi and Linden Qualls, 502 Dayton St.; 937‑767‑7079 E : ysbahai@gmail.com W: ohiobahai.org In the words of Bahá’u’lláh, the founder of the Bahá’í faith, “It is not for him to pride himself who loveth his own countr y, but rather for him who loveth the whole world.” Bahá’u’lláh taught that there is one God who pro- gressively reveals his will to humanity. Each of the great religions initiated by one of God’s divine messengers — Moses, Zoroaster, Krishna, Buddha, Jesus, Muhammad — represents a successive stage in the spiritual devel- opment of humankind. All religions are seen as one in spirit because, essentially, they share a common aim and origin. Bahá’ís regard Bahá’u’lláh as the most recent of these messengers, whose teachings address the ethical, social and spiritual challenges of the modern world. For more than a centur y, Bahá’í communi- ties around the globe have worked to dissolve prejudices based on nationality, class, race, religion and gender. They have collaborated with other like-minded organiza- tions to promote social jus- tice, world peace and love for all mankind. In Yellow Springs, the Bahá’í Community supports children’s classes for moral education, junior youth spiri- tual empowerment programs, devotional programs focused on individual and community transformation and study classes to learn how to con- tinually advance and refine these core activities. All these activities, including holy day celebrations, are open to the public. Bethel Lutheran Church C : Pastor Larry Bannick, 2731 W. Jackson Road; 937‑323‑2471 Bethel Lutheran Church was founded in 1844 by Ezra Keller, who was also a co- founder of Wittenberg Univer- sity. This ELCA church has developed from its traditional countr y heritage to ser ve a diverse congregation. It is a small, family-oriented church in which ever y member or visitor is valued. The Rev. Larr y Bannick became the pastor in Januar y of 2006. Sunday School for children and adults is held at 9:30 a.m. and church services are held at 10:30 a.m. on Sundays. The Kay Glaesner Com- munity Center was completed by church and community members in 2006 and is avail- able to rent for receptions and other events. The center has full kitchen facilities and accommodates up to 90 people. For rental informa- tion, contact Lois Pelekoudas at 937‑284‑0287. Central Chapel AME Church C : Rev. Morné Meyer, pastor; church office, 937‑767‑3061; 411 S. High St. E : TheChapelOne@aol.com W: www.ccamechurch.org/ Central Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Church was established in 1866 in the Old Central School House on State Route 370. The church relocated to the corner of High and Davis streets in 1896. Members now worship in the second sanctuary built at that location. In order to better serve the congregation and community, an addition, the Education and Family Life Center, was built in 1998. The church has addressed SPIRITUAL COMMUNITY mminde jberman mmindesign@aol.com humerusjkb@aol.com DESIG ILL USTRATION innovative design solutions web, print& identity iconic illustration & cartoons 937.767.2330 937-708-0559 Craig@MiamiValleyUltimate.com www.MiamiValleyUltimate.com Craig Mesure Your Local Real Estate Consultant Arbor-Care of Yellow Springs • Tree Removal • Stump Removal • Bucket Truck • Lot & Land Clearing • Experienced Climbers • Fully Insured 937-478-3727 • 937-874-5244 FREE ESTIMATES • COMPETITIVE PRICING