
GUIDE TO YELLOW SPR INGS  |  2020 – 2021 11 and will continue to address the spiritual, civil rights, phys- ical and educational needs of all persons in Yellow Springs and beyond. The A.M.E. motto is “God our Father, Christ our Redeemer, The Holy Spirit our Comfor ter, Humankind our Family.” Worship services are being held on a conference line amid the coronavirus pan- demic. For more information, call the number above. First Baptist Church C : William E. Randolph Jr., pastor; 600 Dayton St.; church office, 937‑767‑7659 or 937‑767‑7623 The First Baptist Church was originally called Zion Baptist Church when it was founded in May 1863. Accord- ing to its records, it was formed to meet the needs of freed slaves. In 1876, mem- bers were able to purchase the new First Baptist Church building, located on Xenia Avenue. After 134 years at the Xenia Avenue site, members held a final service on Aug. 17, 1997, and departed to the new location at 600 Dayton St. On March 25, 2006, the church celebrated the mortgage burn- ing for the new building. The church is noted for annual community events, the most noteworthy of which is the annual Calendar Tea, which has taken place for 59 years. The church also hosts AWANA, a Bible-based club for youth from Kindergarten through seventh grade, held each Sunday after morning service, 1:30–3 p.m. In 2012, Pastor William E. Randolph Jr. was selected by the church body to serve as its pastor. Pastor Randolph delivered his first sermon on Oct. 7, 2012, and was officially installed on Nov. 11. The church is currently hosting live streamed services on Sundays at 10:45 a.m. and Wednesdays at 7 p.m. at www. facebook.com/firstbaptistys. The church prescribes for itself a core belief in the love of all mankind generated by the love of God, and is a caring community of Chris- tians who desire to be in the community, seeking to trans- form the community for the glor y of God and the testi- mony of Jesus Christ. The church’s mission state- ment is: “Making disciples who make a difference.” First Presbyterian Church of Yellow Springs C : 314 Xenia Ave.; office hours: 9 a.m.–noon, Monday–Friday; church office, 937‑767‑7751 E : firpys@gmail.com W: facebook.com/FPCYS The First Presbyterian Church was organized in Yellow Springs in 1855. Its presence in the community has been a very visible one, and the new addition built in 1958 was dedicated for ministry oriented toward the community. A strong musical emphasis has brought excellence and diversity to its own musical program, as well as making the church a center for com- munity music programs. It also offers space for meetings by many community groups as a par t of its ministr y, including Alcoholics Anony- mous, Boy Scouts, Monday Morning Ar tists, Chamber Music in Yellow Springs, sup- port groups, social justice and peacemaking and dance and movement classes. The church offers diverse styles of worship on Sundays at 10:30 a.m., Sunday school for children and youth and both adult and children’s choirs. Currently, a guide to at- home worship and the weekly sermon are at www.facebook. com/FPCYS. The church is an inclusive community of God’s people continuing Christ’s ministry of justice, mercy and love in the world. Grandmother Drum Healing Circle C : Grandmother Abby, 937‑767‑1170 The Grandmother Drum Healing Circle draws from Indigenous spiritual prac- tices that recognize and honor the wisdom of female elders, the healing power of the drum and the impor- tance of our connection to the ear th. The group aims to build community and sup- port one another. Each gathering begins with a silent meditation, fol- lowed by a fire ceremony and drumming. Colored cloths represent the four direc- tions, and these colors swirl together to form pastels that flow out in all directions with a voice for peace. The circle is open to everyone to honor the sacredness of the full moon. Following drumming, Contuned on page 12 Chamber Music in Yellow Springs 2020–2021 What does a CMYS Season look like without live concerts? VIRTUALLY EXCITING! Look us up on cmys.org , follow us on Facebook and Twitter, and look for articles in the Yellow Springs News for upcoming information. For our 37th season, CMYS will continue bringing the joy of music to Yellow Springs and beyond with: • A virtual artist-in-residence program for Yellow Springs Schools, partnering with the Detroit-based Sphinx Organization and YS teachers to bring interactive music workshops to students • A virtual 2021 CMYS Competition for Emerging Ensembles in the spring of 2021 – with an added Audience Favorite Prize • Past concerts broadcast on Discover Classical, WDPR, CMYS’s official media sponsor