
16  GUIDE TO YELLOW SPR INGS  |  2020 – 2021 ties at the big brown house on Livermore Street. The Center building will be closed until further notice due to COVID-19. Visit www. ysdharma.org for a schedule of outdoor and Zoom medi- taion times. Yellow Springs Friends Meeting (Quakers) C : Rockford Chapel, 515 President St. on Antioch College campus, 937‑232‑4250 W: quakercloud.org/cloud/ yellow-springs-friends- meeting Members of the Religious Society of Friends (Quak- ers) meet each Sunday; due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, meetings are held outside when weather permits at Rockford Chapel on the Antioch College campus and at Friends Care Community, as well as virtually for those who cannot attend in person. Quakers recognize a mea- sure of divine presence in every person, and their wor- ship times, called meetings, deepen the individual and cor- porate relationship with the divine/God/Spirit deepen. Meetings for worship are held in silence, with individu- als delivering spoken minis- try when led by the Spirit. Visit the Meeting’s website for more information on in- person and virtual meetings. Yellow Springs Havurah C : Leonard Kramer, Rockford Chapel, 515 President St. on Antioch College campus; 937‑767‑2324 E : Len2654@gmail.com W: groups.io/g/ysh T h e Ye l l o w S p r i n g s Havurah provides Jewish spir- itual, religious, cultural, social and educational experiences. The Havurah holds Shabbat services on the first and third Saturdays of each month at 10 a.m. Contact Leonard Kramer for location until services can resume at Rockford Chapel on the Antioch College Campus. A schedule of Havurah activi- ties, including High Holy Day Services, is posted at groups. io/g/ysh. Yellow Springs United Methodist Church C : Rev. Rick Jones; Linda Shook, 202 S. Winter St.; church office, 937‑767‑7560 E : pastor-ysumc@ yellowsprings.com W: www.umc.org The Yellow Springs United Methodist Church is a warm, friendly, community-oriented congregation. The member- ship is diverse and consists of professional, working class and farm people, theologi- cally representing the entire spectrum of faith understand- ings, from conser vative to progressive. The congrega- tion is also racially and ethni- cally diverse. The force that holds the group together is love: the love of Christ and a love for humankind. The United Methodist Church has been a presence in the village since 1837. Its current building was com- pleted in 1846, dedicated in 1850, and has experienced a number of additions and imp r ovemen t s ove r t he years. Today, the church ser ves the community by providing space for local sup- por t groups and organiza- tions, including the commu- nity Emergency Food Pantry and Home, Inc., a nonprofit housing corporation. The Yellow Springs United Methodist Church is a faith- based community where everyone is welcome. SPIRITUAL from pag 13 Jenni f er’s Touch Classic Contemporary • Unique Fine Jewelry Handmade Sterling & Gold Mon.–Sun. 11–6 • 937-470-2680 • 220 Xenia Ave. Agraria is a project of the Arthur Morgan Institute for Community Solutions Agraria is a center for research and education about regenerative land use that supports the expansion of our regional food system and serves as a platform for community resilience. Visit us at the farm or at www.communitysolution.org to learn about volunteering, conservation, educational, and recreational opportunities at Agraria. 131 E. Dayton Yellow Springs Road Yellow Springs, OH 45387 937-767-2161