
22  GUIDE TO YELLOW SPR INGS  |  2020 – 2021 The 365 Project C : John Gudgel; P.O. Box 165 937-572-9821 E : the365projectys@gmail.com W: the365projectys.org The 365 Project is a local volunteer organization that serves as a catalyst organiza- tion to challenge and support the people of Yellow Springs and Miami Township to engage critically and respect- fully in dialogue and action that promotes and sustains diverse African-American heritage and culture and edu- cational equity, 365 days a year. The 365 Project meets monthly and has sponsored the annual Elaine Comegys Film Fest, community con- versations and myriad other activities. For more infor- mation, contact the group or John Gudgel directly at jwgudge@sbcglobal.net. African-American Genealogy Group C : Robert L. Harris, 937‑767‑1949 E : rharris25@woh.rr.com W: aaggmv.org The Af r i can - Ame r i can Genealogy Group of the Miami Valley is a nonprofit service and educational orga- nization devoted to the pro- motion of African-American genealogy and the study of black and family histories. The organization’s main goals are to search for ances- tors, their identification and their documentation. Activi- ties include lectures, network- ing, workshops and field trips for genealogical purposes. The organization also encour- ages the writing of personal family histories and histori- cal and genealogical societ- ies. Membership is open to everyone. Meetings are held monthly at various locations throughout the Miami Valley and southwestern Ohio. For a current schedule of meetings, visit aadaytononline.org or call 937-222-2211. The cur rent of ficers of the AAGGMV: President, Thomas D. Jordan; Vice- President, Judith Casey; Trea- surer, Sandra Ricker; Secre- tary, Rosalyn Givens. Alcoholics Anonymous C : 937‑222‑2211 E : centraloffice@ aadaytononline.org W: aadaytononline.org Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women whomeet to attain andmaintain sobriety. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no membership dues or fees. The schedule of meetings in Yellow Springs is as follows: • Sundays, 7 p.m., Rockford Chapel* — Yellow Springs Group; • Mondays, 8 p.m., United Methodist Church — Jack- son Road Group; • Tuesdays, 7:30 p.m., United Methodist Church — The Step Heads; • Wednesdays, 7 p.m., Rockford Chapel* — Young People’s/Beginners; • Thursdays, 7 p.m., Rock- ford Chapel* — No Name Group. Due to the ongoing corona- virus pandemic, participants are asked to wear a mask to meetings. *Rockford Chapel is closed for the forseeable future. Arthur Morgan Institute for Community Solutions C : Susan Jennings, P.O. Box 243; 937‑767‑2161; Agraria Address: 131 E. Dayton-Yellow Springs Rd. E : info@communitysolution.org W: communitysolution.org The Arthur Morgan Insti- tute for Community Solutions COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS 937-767-0131 3536 Bryan Park Rd. | www.grinnellmillbandb.com • RENOVATED HISTORIC MILL • PRIVATE BATHROOMS • CONFERENCE/PARTY ROOM AVAILABLE   GRINNELL MILL BED & BREAKFAST 213 Xenia Ave. (upstairs) www.360degreetraining.com ˚ Private Training ˚ Small Group Training ˚ Pilates ™ & TRX ˚ 21-Day Accountability Groups ˚ Nutrition Support melissa@360degreetraining.com MELISSA HESTON, CERTIFIED PERSONAL TRAINER 937-901-0344 YS Kids Playhouse YSKP’s Traveling Tabletop Theater is a mobile puppet theatre that will bring contemporary and traditional manifestations of puppetry to areas and neighborhoods in Yellow Springs and surroundings. Get in touch today and join us in the audience or on the stage! www.yskp.org www.facebook.com/theyskp 937-545-1478 flemo.jf@gmail.com