
GUIDE TO YELLOW SPR INGS  |  2020 – 2021 25 all of the candidates who are running for local office, and to learn more about their qualifications and plans for suppor ting the interests of Yellow Springs’ residents. Special projects sponsored by the association include “The Cost-Of-Living Report,” “The Local Communications Network Study” and “The Community Information Proj- ect.” The James A. McKee Asso- ciation is a member of the Yellow Springs Nonprofit Net- work and the Yellow Springs Chamber of Commerce. In collaboration with other local and nonprofit organizations, the James A. McKee Associa- tion helps support the annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Ora- tor y Contest, The Odd Fel- lows Fireworks Celebration and many of the activities sponsored by The 365 Proj- ect. JAMA welcomes all Yellow Springs and Miami Township residents to join the asso- ciation and help enhance the quality of life throughout our community. Masonic Lodge C : 937‑767‑7882 W: facebook.com/Yellow SpringsMasonicLodge421 T h e Ye l l o w S p r i n g s Masonic Lodge was char- tered in 1868. Its mission is to provide a fraternal broth- erhood that suppor ts the principles of brotherly love, relief and truth. Masonr y is a place where one can find unlimited oppor tunities to acquire leadership experi- ence, self-development and personal growth while enjoy- ing fellowship and service to the community. McKinney Middle/ Yellow Springs High School PTO E : yshspto@gmail.com All parents/guardians of students attending McKinney Middle School or YSHS will be considered members of the PTO. There are no mem- bership dues. The PTO meets monthly; the regular meeting time will be announced at the begin- ning of the school year. Dis- cussion, speakers and events are planned to strengthen the community and develop parent and educational suc- cess. Mills Lawn PTO C : Lauren Mikesell, president E : laurenemikesell@gmail.com W: millslawnpto. com; facebook.com/ MillsLawnPTO The Mills Lawn Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is a volunteer organization that strives to suppor t stu- dents, families and teachers in the educational process by providing educational enrich- ment programs and services, as well as social activities for the Mills Lawn Elementar y School community. The PTO sponsors fundraising events to pay for these activities, pro- grams and services. Morgan Family Foundation C : Lori M. Kuhn, executive director, 937‑767‑9208 E : info@morganfamilyfdn.org W: morganfamilyfdn.org The Morgan Family Foun- dation is a private family foun- dation based in Yellow Springs and funded in December 2003 by Lee and Vicki Morgan. The foundation aims to be a vehicle of change by: • building stronger, more inclusive communities; • broadening horizons and inspiring action through the power of education and expe- riential learning. The foundation awards grants to public charitable organizations that primarily serve Yellow Springs and St. Contuned on page 26 ROCK AROUND THE CLARK Come see our fabulous collection of trilobites, ammonites, Megalodon teeth, dinosaur and shark teeth. Great gifts for kids and adults! 108Dayton St., Suite ‘L’ (above Design Sleep) OPEN: Wed–Fri, 12–6; Sat, 11–7; Sun, 12–4 FOSSIL SHOP WWW.ROCKAROUNDTHECLARK.COM CONTACT US: Info@RockAroundTheClark.com DON’T MISS THIS FUN SHOP! EMPORIUM 253C Xenia Ave. (Across from US Bank, down the alley) 10 Shoppes in 1 Unique Artisan Treasures Something for Everyone HEAVENLY TREASURES FOR EARTHLY BODIES