
30  GUIDE TO YELLOW SPR INGS  |  2020 – 2021 Black-owned businesses: an oral history By LAUREN “CHUCK” SHOWS In decades past, a villager could walk through town and encounter a host of businesses owned by Black residents of Yellow Springs. “Over the years, I think there have been upwards of 40 businesses,” said villager Karen McKee. This summer, the News spoke with McKee, Jalyn Roe and Jocelyn Robinson, long- time Black residents, who shared their memories of the Black-owned businesses their families frequented growing up in Yellow Springs. Memories are often all that’s left of once-thriving businesses owned by Black residents; in 2020, only one Black-owned business oper- ates downtown — The Yellow Springs Toy Company, which Jamie Sharp opened in 2018. This story relies mainly on memory — of those inter- viewed and those cited in YS News articles from the past — to construct a timeline of many of the village’s beloved Black-owned businesses. Memories of Black-owned businesses McKee said that in her youth, many of the village’s Black-owned businesses were located along Dayton Street — it was the “primary business district” for Black shop owners, she said. A few also operated outside of the downtown business district. Along Dayton Street, there was a shoe repair shop operated by James Johnson, which opened in the 1940s; the business was purchased by William Hawkins in the ’50s and renamed Hawk’s Shoe Repair. The shoe shop held special significance for McKee — her father, renowned former police chief James McKee, worked part-time at Hawk’s while still a student in Springfield. “My mom used to walk home from school at Bryan High School and pass Hawk’s,” McKee said. “One day my dad was outside the shop while he was working and she walked by — and that’s how they met.” Also on Dayton Street was Stag’s Cleaners, operated by Jason Stagner. It was one of two cleaners operating in the village at the time; nearby, on Corry Street, there was Joe Holly’s Cleaners, a white-owned business. Joc- elyn Robinson said her family tended to patronize Stag’s over Holly’s. “That’s where we felt com- fortable,” she said. “Joe Holly was a cranky old guy — I don’t know if there was some bias there or if he really was just cranky, but I didn’t feel comfortable there.” Bias wasn’t uncommon in Yellow Springs — famously, Gegner’s Barber Shop refused to accept Black men as customers, ending in a much-publicized demonstra- tion on Xenia Avenue and the closure of the business in 1964. On Dayton Street, however, Black villagers were welcomed into the chairs of Black-owned barber shops and beauty shops. Pemberton’s Barber Shop opened on Dayton Street in the 1940s, and was later replaced by the Village Barber Shop, owned by Emmett Burks, in the 1960s; behind the barber was the Village Beauty Shop — col- loquially known as “Laura Lee’s” — operated by Laura Woods. (Darwin Lang later opened Lang’s Village Hair Salon in the same space in the 1990s.) The barber shop and beauty shop, according to Jalyn Roe, primarily served Black clientele. “Burks’ was where all the Black kids and men had their hair cut,” Roe said. “Every- body was wearing big afros at that time and the kids used to call him ‘Butcher Burks’ because he would cut that stuff off and give a haircut that a middle-aged man would wear.” In the 1960s, Roe’s par- ents, Jake and Maxine Jones, opened the MaJaGa Bar and Night Club on Dayton Street; it was located where the Gulch now operates. “My dad said he named it after his three queens: Maxine, Jalyn and Gala,” Roe said, naming her mother, sister and herself. Another bar previously operated in that space, and when the Jones’ took it over, they installed a stage and loft seating area and hosted per - formances from area bands. As the News reported, the locally formed psychedelic rock band Mad River got its start at the MaJaGa, playing its first per - formance there in 1966. “It was a themed gathering place, Bohemian-type decor with big straw and leaves — it was just beautiful,” Roe said. “But, of course, Yellow Springs didn’t want anything to do with something like that!” Roe said MaJaGa was picketed by disapproving villagers when it opened — which only strengthened her parents’ resolve to keep the business open. “My mom used to laugh, she said, because 95% of those picketers became patrons,” Roe said. Jake and Maxine Jones operated several businesses in the village in the ’60s and PHOTO: ANTIOCHIANA, ANTIOCH COLLEGE Hillard “Com” Williams at his W. Davis Street restaurant, Com’s, in the early ’70s. Williams ran the popular restaurant with his wife, Goldie, for nearly 30 years.