
GUIDE TO YELLOW SPR INGS  |  2020 – 2021 35 making tasks such as clean- ing, laundry, food preparation and errands. Activities: provides activi- ties at the Senior Center and other locations to assist seniors and others with enjoy- able socialization, physical exercise and learning new skills. Currently, activities are being held online due to the ongoing pandemic. Membership in the Senior Center is open to everyone. Family members are encour- aged to join and become aware of the resources avail- able. A bi-monthly newslet- ter is published that provides information on all the activi- ties and programs available at the Senior Center. Tecumseh Land Trust C : Krista Magaw, P.O. Box 417; 937‑767‑9490 E : krista@ tecumsehlandtrust.org W: tecumsehlandtrust. org; facebook.com/ TecumsehLandTrust/ Tecumseh Land Trust pro- tects local farmland, water and natural areas forever. TLT helps maintain the rural landscape of Miami Town- ship and unique character of Yellow Springs by preserving land in the area. TLT is working with land- owners in Miami Township through the Jacoby Creek Partnership, a grant-funded initiative to preser ve farms and install conservation prac- tices on properties along the Jacoby and Yellow Springs creeks. The goals of this proj- ect are to improve the quality of water draining into the Little Miami River and preser ve key properties in the Jacoby Greenbelt and Country Com- mons, areas long-identified by the Village of Yellow Springs as important to protect. Donations to this local nonprofit make it possible for staff to reach out to and assist private landowners who wish to preserve their special farms or natural properties. The land trust has preserved 168 properties, encompass- ing over 28,000 acres and 42 stream miles. Glen Helen, enjoyed by many visitors every year, is the best-known proper ty protected by the land trust. Landowne r s and l and lovers alike are encouraged to contact the land trust to learn more about its work, upcom- ing walks and events, and vol- unteer opportunities. UNICEF C : Joy Fishbain, 937‑767‑7724 UNICEF, the United Nations Children’s Fund, has worked since 1946 to protect the lives of children around the world. Assistance is provided in the areas of health care, safe water supply, sanitation, nutrition, education and training. The Yellow Springs com- munity has given generous suppor t to UNICEF. Many residents make an effort to purchase UNICEF cards and children collect donations during Halloween “Trick or Treat for UNICEF.” To shop for cards online, visit www.unicefusa.org/shop or call 1-800‑553‑1200 to place your order. Holiday cards may also be purchased from Hallmark Gold Crown Stores, Pier One Imports, Barnes and Noble or by contacting Joy Fishbain, who has a selection of boxed cards from recent years at discounted rates. Wellness Center at Antioch College C : 937‑319‑0100 E : wellness@antiochcollege.edu W: wellnesscenter. antiochcollege.edu The Wellness Center is cur- rently closed due to the ongo- ing coronavirus pandemic. When open, the Wellness Center offers: Contuned on page 36 The Village Mediation Program of Yellow Springs is dedicated to providing peaceful and productive methods for addressing conflict to Village and Township residents for free. Mediation is a place for... Addressing conflict Productive conversation Making decisions Gaining clarity Saying what you need to say Working things out Many people use mediation... Neighbors Landlords & Tenants Separated parents Family members Young people Co-workers The Village Mediation Program assists organizations by providing Facilitators for meetings, Consultation on options for addressing a dispute or Training in conflict resolution skills. To contact the Village Mediation Program: 937-605-8754 or MAccount@vil.yellowsprings.oh.us BENT I NO’S BE Pizza o f Y e l l o w S p r i n g s HAND-TOSSED & THIN CRUST PIZZA GYROS • CALZONES • BREAD STICKS PASTA • WINGS • HOAGIES • SALADS 107½ Xenia Ave. 937-767-2500 See full menu or order online at www.bentinos.com/yellow-springs 259 Xenia Ave. www.sunrisecafe. ne t 9 3 7 - 7 67-7211 SUNRISE CAFE BREAKFAST • LUNCH • DINNER WORLD CUISINE with LOCAL FARE