
GUIDE TO YELLOW SPR INGS  |  2020 – 2021 39 where neighbors can garden together — and have fun! Presently, six neighborhood gardens are open. Friends Care, the oldest garden; Fair Acres Park, the most neigh- borly garden; Corr y Street, the largest and most sociable garden; Bill Duncan Park, the most celebritous garden; Frogtown Reser ve on Glass Farm, the most tried garden; and President Street, the newest garden. Th i s yea r, mo r e t han 70 villagers have garden plots. Most present garden- ers do not have land, or do not have suitable sites for home gardens because of shade. Fees and deposits are not required, in order to promote central values of inclusiveness, equality and affordability. Because of such values, the neighborhood gardens program is one of the most demographically and socio-economically rich and diverse of all the village’s institutions. The gardens of fer safe places to explore, fail, suc- ceed, develop, experiment, show of f, see how others garden, learn from others and have fun. The steering committee is comprised of elected representatives from each neighborhood garden, and as need arises, experi- enced garden mentors and landowner representatives. Yellow Springs Repair Cafe C : Kat Walter, 937‑475‑9207 E : kat@volksmail.com W: ysrepaircafe.org The Yellow Springs Repair Cafe, connected to repaircafe. org, brings villagers together as volunteers fix — and teach neighbors how to fix — broken goods people wish to reuse. This free, quarterly event builds a stronger com- munity and teaches neigh- bors how to repair their own goods while reducing the waste stream. Yellow Springs Resilience Network E : ysresilience@gmail.com W: facebook.com/ ysresiliencenetwork The Yellow Springs Resil- ience Network is a collab- orative network of individu- als and organizations in the village who aim to eliminate greenhouse gas emissions and create long-term resil- ience — not only to the effects of climate change, but also as an ecological com- munity in the village. The network is committed to developing a highly inclusive and equitable local economy, increasing local renewable energy production, greatly increasing and distributing the amount of locally pro- duced food, cutting transpor- tation emissions, supporting the development of highly energy-efficient housing and buildings and eliminating waste entirely. All are wel- come to participate. Yellow Springs Threshold Singers C : Linda Chernick, ­ 937-234-SING (7464) W: thresholdchoir.org/ yellowsprings Prior to the pandemic, the Yellow Springs Thresh- old Singers worked to bring compassion and comfort to those standing at the thresh- old between living and dying through bedside song. During the pandemic, you may request a singer to share a few songs of comfor t by telephone. Po s t - p a nd emi c , whe n invited, a small group of choir members (usually two or three) comes to sing quietly at bedside for a comfortable length of time, perhaps 20 to 30 minutes, in hospitals, nurs- ing homes and private homes. Contuned on page 40 More information 937-767-9490 or www.tecumsehlandtrust.org Protecting local farmland, water, and natural areas forever. O nly 3% of the earth’s surface is ideally suited for food production — prime soils and plentiful, safe water. Over half the land right here in the Miami Valley fits that description! T he Tecumseh Land Trust is ready to preserve those special lands that make Ohio our home. By preserving and conserving land and water, we help to ensure that whatever the future may hold, generations to come will be able to enjoy the rural and natural environment that we know and love today. W ant to help us protect local farmland, water and natural areas forever? There are many ways to help — please get in touch! 937-767-9330 110 Dayton St. Wed.–Sun. Noon–5 pm Appointments available during closed hours — Full line of Accessories — — Authorized TREK Dealer — — Sales & Service — www.vcbikes.com vilcyclery@woh.rr.com (Visit us on Facebook!) SERVING BIKE ENTHUSIASTS IN YELLOW SPRINGS & THE MIAMI VALLEY SINCE 1987 108 Xenia Ave. (Downtown Yellow Springs) 937-767-2131 Over 45 years in Yellow Springs VEGETARIAN FRIENDLY! 5% military discount when in uniform W W W W