
40  GUIDE TO YELLOW SPR INGS  |  2020 – 2021 We are sensitive to the physi- cal and emotional needs of the individual and family, always respecting the desire for pri- vacy and family time. The singing is meant to soothe, nurture and inspire. Family, friends and caregivers are welcome to listen or to quietly join in. There is no charge for the service. The Yellow Springs Thresh- old Singers group is open to all women who feel called to this ser vice. Musical train- ing is not necessary — only a desire to sing from your hear t, blending your voice with other singers learning the beautiful Threshold Choir repertoire. Since this is not a performance choir, members work on learning to sing qui- etly together, listening to one another and blending voices. Singing at bedside comes in time, when the new singer is ready. Yellow Springs Time Exchange C : Kat Walter, 937‑475‑9207 E : kat@volksmail.com W: ystimeexchange.org The Yellow Springs Time Exchange is building a stron- ger, self-sufficient community by connecting individuals and organizations in Yellow Springs and the surrounding region who trade talents and services to meet needs, hour for hour. The core belief is that everyone has talents and “gifts” — resources — that people need. All services are equal in value and can pro- vide mutual benefit for the community. Yellow Springs Tree Committee C : P.O. Box 122; 937‑767‑2981, 937‑767‑2162 The Yellow Springs Tree COMMUNITY from page 39 Committee was founded in 1982 with these goals: • To provide leadership in the planting and care of trees on the public lands of Yellow Springs; • To serve as an advisory group to the public on tree and shrub care, selection and removal; • To promote the improve- ment of private proper ty through the wise selection and use of trees. The Tree Committee grew out of two community tree- planting projects: a 1976 plant- ing of trees on the Mills Lawn school grounds to honor Yellow Springs News editor Kieth Howard, and a continuing beau- tification program of tree plant- ings throughout the village. The committee offers a trib- ute and memorial tree-plant- ing program to honor a life, a service or a significant event. New members and volun- teers are always welcome to join the Tree Committee. 1535 XENIA AVENUE 937-767-9000 CALYPSOGRILL.NET INFO@CALYPSOGRILL.NET DINE- IN CARRY-OUT DELIVERY Detox. RELAX. Breathe. THINK. Dream. RECOVER. Enjoy. Float sessions range from 1 hour to 8 hours. 937-696-9595 www.GravitySpa.com