
SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS WHO SUPPORT LOCAL JOUNRALISM Or become an advertiser yourself! Email advert@ysnews.com or call 937-767-7373. YELLOW SPRINGS NEWS ysnews.com GUIDE TO YELLOW SPR INGS  |  2020 – 2021 49 PHOTO: MEGAN BACHMAN The Yellow Springs Arts Council’s Community Gallery and Multi-Arts Center on Corry Street hosts exhibitions, performances, classes and community group activities. SPOTLIGHT | Yellow Springs Arts Council Founded in the 1950s as the Yellow Springs Arts Asso- ciation, the local arts advo - cacy group incorporated as a nonprofit organization and changed its name to Yellow Springs Arts Council, or YSAC, in 1972. (See page 47 of the Arts and Recreation section of this guide for more information about the group’s wider mis- sion and activities.) In recent years, the Arts Council has maintained three gallery locations: The Com - munity Gallery and Multi-Arts Center, at 111 Corry St.; the John Bryan Center Community Gallery, home of the YSAC’s permanent collection; and the Alcove Gallery at Antioch Col - lege Midwest. The YSAC hosts the majority of its activities at the Corry Street location, a small, white building with yellow-painted details, sitting back from the street, with a paved area out front and a stage-like platform on the west side of the build - ing. The Arts Council moved into the space in January 2012, relocating from its pre - vious home at the former Oten Gallery on Xenia Avenue. The Council’s first gal - lery home was at the Bryan Center, where it stayed for over 20 years before taking up residence in various down- town locations and eventually settling in at the Corry Street site. The YSAC reconnected with the Bryan Center in 2017 to house its permanent collection, which according to Gallery Manager Nancy Mellon counts more than 200 works of art by village artists. The Corry Street site, owned by Bob Baldwin and previously occupied, in recent memory, by Dolbeers Cleaners and the Rolling Pen Book Cafe, has about 1,400 square feet of inside floor space. Divided into two large rooms, the Com - munity Gallery and Multi-Arts Center provides space for a variety of visual arts exhibi - tions, openings, discussions, classes and theatrical, literary and musical events. A monthly Art Alive series, featuring evening presentations of a variety of artistic voices and expressions, has also been an active part of Arts Council pro - gramming in recent years. In addition, the center has been the regular gathering place for several community groups and activities, including the Yellow Springs Ukulele Club and the monthly Yellow Springs Hoo- tenanny. At the time of this publica - tion, however, public use of the Gallery and Multi-Arts Center had been put on indefinite hold in response to the con- tinuing COVID-19 pandemic. In the meantime, the gallery is exploring a virtual approach for presenting exhibitions, having hung a show in fall 2020 and posting a video of it online. At the time, the YSAC planned to treat most shows scheduled for 2021 similarly, and offer limited scheduled private viewings. The YSAC is working with the Wheeling Gaunt Sculpture Project, which is pushing for - ward with installing a sculpture by the late Brian Maughan of the Black 19th century philanthropist and land owner at the juncture of U.S. 68 and Dayton Street. —Carol Simmons F I N D U S O N FA C E B O O K ! GREENE COUNTY C A R E E R C E N T E R • K E E P I N G W O R K F O R C E S T R O N G • APPLY TODAY : 937-372-6941 • www . greeneccc . com Award-winning career/technical programs for high school and adult students. • 3rd GENERATION SPRINGER. • OF SERVICE. • ADVANTAGE=YOURS. Shelly Blackman Realtor ® 937-381-9799 SHELLY@YELLOWSPRINGS.COM YELLOW SPRINGS, WHERE THE LIVIN’ IS EASY ...