
GUIDE TO YELLOW SPR INGS  |  2020 – 2021 59 Antioch College C : 1 Morgan Place; 937‑767‑1286 E : info@antiochcollege.org W: antiochcollege.edu Founded in 1850 by the Christian Connection, the col- lege began operating in 1852 as a non-sectarian institu- tion; politician and education reformer Horace Mann was its first president. Antioch College is centered on the pillars of campus and experiential education, co-op and community. At Antioch, education and opportunities for growth are not confined to the classroom, but take place throughout the campus community, and in the world at-large. The Antioch experi- ence encourages students to explore broad perspectives on critical issues, and innova- tive approaches to learning and living differently in the world. Antioch’s hallmark coop- erative program — “co-op” — expands education through work and experiential learn- ing. Students alternate aca- demic terms on campus with terms of full-time work, where they learn to navi- gate complex environments, negotiate for themselves and experiment with solution-ori- ented approaches. In apply- ing themselves to real-world situations, they explore their interests and develop practi- cal skills. Community is the guid- ing principle of campus life. Antioch was among the first colleges to incorporate com- munity governance, through which students, faculty and staf f par ticipate jointly in institutional decision-making. The process of community building at Antioch promotes the creation of “deep democ- racy,” encouraging individu- als to work together in devel- oping greater group cohesion and resilience. One-hundred-seventy years after its founding, Antioch College continues to inno- vate in higher education, and continues to attract students seeking the tools to innovate in their communities and careers. Antioch School, The C : 1160 Corry St. 937‑767‑7642 E : nathan@antiochschool.org W: antiochschool.org The oldest democratic school in the United States, the Antioch School was founded in 1921 by Ar thur Morgan, then president of Antioch College. In 1951, the School moved to its cur- rent setting, neighboring the Glen Helen nature preserve. The Antioch School is a place where childhood is revered and children are encouraged to pursue their innate curi- osity wherever their abili- ties take them. An Antioch School education is based upon the ideals of respect, trust, challenge and choice. The school groups chil- d r en i n t o t he Nu r s e r y (3.5–5), Kindergarten (5–6), Younger Group (6–9) and Older Group (9–12). Antioch School provides an art and science program, formal music instruction, ar tists- in-residence, field trips and aftercare. The development of reading, writing and math- ematical abilities is empha- sized. Social and self-disci- pline skills and the interac- tion of children as a means for self-definition and growth are deeply valued. Individu- alized instruction works two ways at the School: teacher- to-child and child-to-child. The children’s academic and creative growth and learn- ing are ungraded. Standard- ized testing is restricted to EDUCATION Contuned on page 60 Unique, trendy women’s fashion and accessories 249 Xenia Ave. 937-767-8800 Funky, quirky gifts, home wares and an assortment of interesting jewelry 235 Xenia Ave. 937-767-9349 100 Corry St. • 937-767-2819 • facebook.com/House-of-Ravenwood-Tarot-Readings Create your own sacred space... Fantasy Gifts • Tumbled Stones • Mineral Specimens • Metaphysical Books • Ritual Tools & Supples Psychic Tarot Reading Fridays & Saturdays by phone appointment only 237 Xenia Avenue • 937-767-8291 AGourmet Deli & Contemporary Catering Company • Freshly Made Salads, Sandwiches & Soups • Fresh Gourmet Dessert • Business Boxed Lunches • Full Service Catering • Special Occasion/Wedding Cakes WWW. CURRENTCUISINE .COM