
GUIDE TO YELLOW SPR INGS  |  2020 – 2021 63 Greene County Learning Center C : Brad Kayata, director of education, 360 E. Enon Road; 937‑767‑1303, ext. 1141 E : bkayata@greeneesc.org The Greene County Learn- ing Center, or GCLC, is a public “separate facility” school program for students in grades K–12. We serve stu- dents from all school districts in Greene County. The caring staff at GCLC work as a team to meet the academic and emotional needs of the youth that they ser ve. The major objectives of the program are to help the individual gain self-awareness skills, learn new coping skills, increase the ability to make appro- priate choices and improve social-interpersonal interac- tion with peers and adults. An additional objective is to help the students achieve aca- demically to the best of their abilities. The ultimate goal is to help each student to suc- cessfully return to the home school environment and to function more fully in the world around them. Open Air Village W: openairvillage.com Open Air Village is a new, nature-based educational facility for preschoolers ages 3–5 and elementar y school grades K–3, located on the campus of Antioch College. The mission of Open Air Village is to provide a respect- ful and nur turing environ- ment for the developing child. The school’s programs are designed to encourage each child’s growth by being in tune with their social, emo- tional, physical and educa- tional interests. As a Reggio Emilia-inspired school, Open Air Village aims to treat its environment as a child’s “third teacher,” putting care- ful thought into the space in which learning evolves and takes place. Open Air Village is cur- rently at capacity, but has a waitlist for new students. For more information, and to sign up for the waitlist, visit www. openairvillage.com. Yellow Springs Public Schools C : Dr. Terri L. Holden, superintendent, 937‑767‑7381; Michelle Person, Mills Lawn principal, 937‑767‑7217; Jack Hatert, McKinney Middle School/Yellow Springs High School principal, 767-7224 W: ysschools.org Students in Yellow Springs have the oppor tunity to pursue an education in three award-winning schools: Mills Lawn Elementar y School, McKinney Middle School and Yellow Springs High School. Recognized as leaders in project-based learning, the schools have a longstanding reputation for encouraging critical thinking, individual creativity, respect and appre- ciation for diversity and authentic learning in science, the fine arts, and the humani- ties. The public schools are a vital and integral par t of the Yellow Springs commu- nity and provide an educa- tion based on the belief that small schools can provide big opportunities. Yellow Springs High School provides a comprehensive and varied curriculum for ninth- through twelfth-grade stu- dents. Advanced placement courses, college prep courses, vocational courses (through the Greene County Career Center), Post Secondar y Educational Options (PSEO), and a variety of electives are offered in many subject areas. Students in grades seven and eight attend McKin- ney Middle School, which is under the same roof as the high school, but McKinney School students have their own band and orchestra pro- grams. Emphasis is placed on assessing and accommo- dating the uniqueness of the early adolescent child in a middle school environment. Numerous co-cur ricular oppor tunities are available to both McKinney and YSHS students, including athletics, music, student government, and many more activities. At Mills Lawn School, ele- mentary students are empow- ered to be active and engaged members of their commu- nity and learn at high levels through project-based learn- ing. Students are encouraged and offered opportunities to tackle important issues facing our community through their projects, including affordable housing, hunger, and envi- ronmental issues. Students are of fered extracurricular opportunities such as Girls on the Move, Junior Lego League and the all-school musical. MOVIES ON THE BIG SCREEN! “The best place to watch a movie together” 937-376-4570 • 937-436-1717 www . eldridgeroofing . net PHIL ELDRIDGE Owner