
GUIDE TO YELLOW SPR INGS  |  2020 – 2021 69 Yellow Springs Youth Baseball C: Derek Barker, 937-767‑1577 E : ysoyouthbb@gmail.com W: ysbaseball.org The Yellow Springs Youth Baseball Program has two divisions: the Minor League for children ages 6–10; and the Major League for children ages 10–14. This is recrea- tional baseball with a focus on fundamentals, sportsmanship, teamwork and fun. The sea- son runs from after Memorial Day through July and is a vol- unteer organization. A volun- teer coordinator is needed for each of the leagues. Parents and other adults are needed to volunteer to coach teams and referee games. Volunteers are also needed to prepare the fields before games (except mowing). High school com- munity ser vice credits are available for this function. The Minor League plays coach-pitch with some modi- fication of standard baseball rules to promote learning and the basics of baseball. The Major League plays by stand- ard baseball rules with only a few changes to promote learn- ing advanced concepts of the game. All games are played at Gaunt Park, with the Minor League playing on the diamond nearest the forest tree line, and the Major League playing on the large diamond closest to the pool area. All teams usu- ally play two games per week with the games during evening hours and on the weekends. There is a registration fee to help cover team uniform and league supply expenses. Schol- arships are available. Yellow Springs Youth Orchestra Association E : dfarmer2663@yahoo.com W: ysyoa.org The Yellow Springs Youth Orchestra Association, or YSYOA, has existed since 1964 as an organization in- terested in promoting and supporting music education and activities for the youth and now entire community of Yellow Springs. This is accomplished with the sup- por t of local school music programs, scholarships, mul- tigenerational endeavors and concerts. YSYOA of fers a summer music camp for students who have played an instrument for at least a year. The camp includes group and individual instruction, and ends with a grand finale concert for the public. In recent years, the YSYOA has expanded to in- clude intergenerational play- ing groups such as the Yellow Springs Strings, which meets on Tuesdays at 7 p.m. in the Yellow Springs Senior Center great room. Learn more and find out how to get involved at YSYOA.org . Yellow Springs Youth Soccer C : Bob Curley, 937-767‑7070; Bill and Lynn Hardman, 937‑768‑4140 E : hardmansoccer@sbcglobal.net W: facebook.com/ YellowSpringsSoccerInc The mission of Yellow Springs Soccer, Inc. (YSSI) is to encourage and assist in the development and growth of community leagues, associa- tions, organizations, programs and teams, so that soccer is made available to more peo- ple at all levels of competition. Since its inception 51 years ago, the recreational soccer program has offered accessible soccer every fall and spring to the children of Yellow Springs and nearby communities. The program continues to be run entirely by volunteers and is funded by donations — no reg- istration fees are charged for inclusion on a recreational soc- cer team. There are currently four age levels of recreational you t h socce r t ha t f orm groups or teams after an an- nual registration clinic in late summer: • Copper Cup — pre-K to kindergarten; • Bronze Cup — first to third grade; (or similar age) • Silver Cup — fourth to fifth grade; • Gold Cup — sixth to eighth grade. Traveling teams also form as interest warrants. Contact YSSI for more information. YSSI, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit or- ganization, benefits frommon- etary donations and an annual soccer camp each June. If you’d like to contribute, make checks out to YSSI and mail to: YSSI, P.O. Box 813, Yellow Springs, OH 45387. YSKP— Yellow Springs Kids Playhouse C : 937-767‑7800 E : admin@yskp.org W: yskp.org Launched in 1994, the YS Kids Playhouse is a multime- dia theater for youth founded by Ar tistic Director John Fleming. The YSKP pro- motes creative interaction between area youth, profes- sional artists and a variety of art forms. It is the recipient of numerous grant awards, including the National En- dowment for the Ar ts, the Ohio Arts Council, the Mor- gan Family Foundation and the YS Community Founda- tion. As a nonprofit commu- nity theater ar ts education program, it also receives in- dividual, business and corpo- rate support. In 2020, the YSKP began offering a new vision for the celebrated youth theater — the Traveling Tabletop Theater. The TTT is a mobile puppet theatre that brings contemporary and tradition- al manifestations of puppetry to areas and neighborhoods in Yellow Springs and sur- roundings. In addition to the featured programming, workshops in puppetr y are of fered at each venue site. The TTT is an exciting new direction for the YSKP — one that allows the shows to reach more people more of- ten during the year. Participation in productions is open to all. For more infor- mation, including information about COVID-19 contingen- cies, visit www.yskp.org , www.facebook.com/theyskp or email flemo.jf@gmail.com . HEALING HANDS & HEALTHY HAIR 100CORRYST. • WWW.HHSTUDIOSYS.COM Heidi Quigley, Stylist – 937-207-4900 Jessica Holihan, LMT – 937-319-1276 • Over 250 selections of domestic, imported and micro brew beers • Expanded selection of wines including a wide variety of organics • Natural flavors of coffee & cappuccino • Sunday beer all day & wine sales after 11 a.m. • Lottery/ATM machine Locally & Family Owned Ben Van Ausdal, Manager 4 Xenia Ave. • 937-767-1349 Monday–Sunday 7 a.m.–10 p.m. Nipper’s Corner