
GUIDE TO YELLOW SPR INGS  |  2020 – 2021 71 PHOTO: YS NEWS ARCHIVE An undated News photo features two Deatons and two then- employees. From left is Randy Deaton, Wilbur’s son; employee Russell Miller; longtime hardware store owner, Wilbur Deaton; and employee Doug Gardner. the store for many years. For the last six years, Pomeranz and Anderson have continued the legacy of the local hardware store, going independent once again, and even naming their shop cat Wilbur, after the longtime proprietor. But running the store hasn’t been without challenges. Even before the COVID-19 restrictions dried up spring sales, the couple was finding it increasingly difficult to com - pete with the big box retailers opening up close to town. This year, as a new Menards prepared to open just six miles down the road, they shared their anxiety about the hardware store’s future. “Menards is a multi- billion-dollar enterprise and we are a small independent hardware store,” Anderson said. “We can’t compete with their buying power and square footage.” But there are a few things the shop can compete on, Anderson added, includ- ing “service, relationships and convenience.” Rooted in the community, Yellow Springs Hardware donates to local causes and allows local school groups to use shop windows to promote their organization or events. They share the community’s values, in contrast to some of the larger corporate chains, and, they believe, if a small, independent hardware store can make it anywhere, it’s in Yellow Springs. “We wouldn’t have done this anywhere other than Yellow Springs,” Pomerantz said. “People here support local.” Innovative • Nurturing • Playful Amy Magnus * 937-67-2167 * cleverclue@gmail.com YellowSpringsScienceCastle .myportfolio.com A pop up science café and makerspace, serving the village since 2014. LOCATED ON W. NORTH COLLEGE & W. CENTER COLLEGE STREETS One-, two-, or three-bedrooms with 1½ baths and laundry on-site. 937 • 324 • 3606 HAWTHORNE PLACE • • TOWNHOUSE APARTMENTS • 937-767-2981 or 937-767-2162 More than 30 Years Planting and Caring for the Urban Forest and Tribute Trees in Yellow Springs TheYellowSprings TreeCommittee 229 Xenia Ave. YSO • 937.767.2091 www.Epic-Bookshop.com New & used books on most subjects Specializing in the Spiritual, the Mystical & the Meditative est. 1974 Open weekdays 12-6 Sat. 10-6 Sun. 12-6 CLOSED WED .