
GUIDE TO YELLOW SPR INGS  |  2020 – 2021 81 Glen Helen Nature Preserve C : 405 Corry St., 937‑372‑1904 E : tclevenger@glenhelen.org W: glenhelen.org Glen Helen is the legacy of Hugh Taylor Birch, who donated a wooded glen to Antioch College in memor y of his daughter, Helen Birch Bar tlett. The scenic 1,125- acre preserve is rich in natu- ral formations and fixtures, accessible from a 15-mile trail system. Visitors can wit- ness blooming wildflowers, majestic 400-year-old trees, imposing limestone cliff over- hangs, beautiful water falls and the historic yellow spring for which the town is named. Trails are open year-round during daylight hours. In 2020, ownership of Glen Helen was transferred from Antioch College to the Glen Helen Association, a member- ship-based organization estab- lished to support Antioch Col- lege and its efforts to protect the Glen. No public programs are currently planned. To view maps or to support the Glen, visit www.glenhelen.org . Yellow Springs Community Access C : Sean Devine, station manager; Council Chambers, John Bryan Community Center; 937‑767-7803. Appointment times available upon request. E : communityaccess@gmail.com W: bit.ly/34pGTXB Yellow Springs Community Access (YSCA) is a local cable television station available to Spectrum cable subscribers (Channel 5) and online at You- Tube. The station broadcasts meetings of Village Council, Planning Commission, Board of Zoning Appeals, and Miami Township Trustees. Channel 5 also receives submissions from other organizations such as the McKee Group, The Yellow Springs Histori- cal Society and the Tecumseh Land Trust. All local groups and residents may submit video projects they choose to share with the community. Submitted announcements of local events are aired throughout the day, inter- spersed between programs. Villagers and organizations are encouraged to submit photos, videos and announce- ments promoting local arts and culture. Station cameras and tripods are available on loan for residents who would like to record a community event or public meeting. Basic training is available with advance notice. The sta- tion is run by a part-time sta- tion manager. Yellow Springs News C : P.O. Box 187, 253 Xenia Ave., 937-767-7373, E : ysnews@ysnews.com W: www.ysnews.com Founded in 1880, the Yellow Springs News is an award- winning, independent, weekly newspaper that serves Yellow Springs and beyond with timely, accurate and essen- tial information to keep the government accountable, pro- mote civic engagement, cele- brate village life and preserve local history. Its mission is to create journalism anchored in integrity, accountability and transparency. The paper has consistently won state journalism awards for its repor ting, editorial writing, advertising, design and community service and engagement, and has been selected “Newspaper of the Year” among similarly sized papers by the Ohio News Media Association for the last 10 years. Deadline for submissions is Monday, 5 p.m. the week of publication. GLEN HELEN Creative Explorations Women’s Retreat • Relax • Reconnect • Renew Facilitated or Self-Directed Day Retreat Options 937-750-4117 Yellow Springs www.creativeexplorations.net Tri l l ium Organic Services trilliumorganicservices.com 937-768-4272 Our door-to-door pickup service provides a safe, clean, easy and affordable way for Yellow Springs residents to divert their organic waste that traditionally ends up in landfills. Your Community’s Compost Waste Management Company ROCK AROUND THE CLARK • FOSSIL SHOP • FOSSILS! SO MUCH MORE! SHARK TEETH! TRILOBITES! UNIQUE GIFTS! DINOSAUR TEETH! AMMONITES! MEGALODON TEETH! 108DaytonSt.,Suite ‘L’ (above Design Sleep) OPEN: Wed–Fri, 12–6; Sat, 11–7; Sun, 12–4 www.RockAroundTheClark.com CONTACT: Info@RockAroundTheClark.com • Residential Buyer & Seller Services • Experience prompt service, 25+ years • Instant, consistent client communication: voice, text, email • Client ‘certified’ professional resources • Maximum internet presence • International relocation services, including civilian and military 257 Xenia Ave. www.chris K homes.com 937-767-9900 LOCAL. EXPERIENCED. REALTORS. REAL ESTATE, IT’S ALL WE DO. ® Local. Experienced. Realtors. Find what you’re looking for with us. “Top notch realtor! Rick provided quick response to questions. He was patient with us as we searched for a home that met our very specific needs.” — Kristy T. “Excellent and professional. Not pushy at all and listens to all concerns.” — Kevin M. Chris Kristensen • Rick Kristensen SOLD SELLING ONE GORGEOUS HOME AFTER ANOTHER SAT I SFYING EVERY CL I ENT, INDIVIDUALLY.