
GUIDE TO YELLOW SPR INGS | 2021– 2022 19 COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS raised funds to help women in Greene County pay for tradi- tional and alternative medical- related expenses. For more information, to make a dona- tion or to apply for a grant, call 937-767-8949 or visit our website. Food Co-op/ Buying Club C : Luan Heit, 937‑767‑1823 The Yellow Springs Food Co-op is a local buying club. The group orders natural and organic food and other house- hold products at af fordable prices, with a minimum of work for its members. Mem- bers place orders online from a wide selection of products. Delivery is every four weeks on Wednesday afternoon. Friends Care Community C : 150/170 E. Herman St., 937‑767‑7363 W: www.friendshealthcare.org Friends Care Community has a single goal: the af fir- mation of life. Friends Care’s continuous care community has succeeded in meeting the needs of seniors who seek security and quality care, first with extended care, then with assisted living and indepen- dent living homes. Friends Care is located on a 22-acre campus. Friends is owned and operated by the Friends Health Care Association and has been a nonprofit commu- nity since 1977. Friends Care is a 66-bed skilled and long-term nurs- ing facility. In August of 2011, Friends completed construc- tion on a new rehabilitation center with 16 private rooms, providing a distinct unit for care of short-term stay rehab and nursing services. Friends Assisted Living Center is a licensed 20-unit facility designed to enhance independence, security and socialization in a quiet setting. Friends Independent Living Homes are senior l iving duplexes. Buyers can choose between two- and three-bed- room units and two building design plans. Each duplex features a garage, appliances and maintenance-free living. Great Books C : Ken Huber, 937‑767‑1160 E : kenneth.huber@att.net Typical ly, meetings are held September through June on the second Thurs- day of the month at 6:30 p.m. in the fireplace room of the YS Senior Center. Currently, in-person meet ings have been suspended until further notice due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. The group brings together people whose love of read- ing is par t of their quest for lifelong learning. The group uses a method recommended by the Great Books Founda- tion, a pioneer of book dis- cussion. This approach of shared inquir y encourages par ticipants to look to their own experiences, rather than to outside sources of exper- tise, in their discussion of a work. Grinnell Mill Foundation C : Chris Mucher, 937‑767‑1391 W: miamitownship.net The Grinnell Mill Founda- tion is a nonprofit foundation comprising Miami Township, Glen Helen and the Yellow Springs Historical Society. Its purpose is the preser vation and promotion of the historic and educationally valuable Grinnell Mill located at 3536 Bryan Park Road. For more information, visit miamitown- ship.net . James A. McKee Association C : Karen McKee, president, 937‑767‑4641; Paul Abendroth, vice‑president, 937‑767‑1678; Peggy Ers‑ kine, treasurer, 767‑7856 W: www.45387.org ; facebook.com/ James-A-McKee-Associa‑ tion- 284986248585882 The James A. McKee Asso- ciation, or JAMA, aka Jim’s Group, formerly known as the Yellow Springs Men’s Group, is a community-based 501(c) (3) nonprofit civic organiza- tion that was organized in 1994 by the late James A. McKee, former police chief of Yellow Springs. The goal of the association is to encourage volunteer- ism, which helps build and strengthen the Yellow Springs community. Programs hosted by the organization include research, public information forums and educational and charitable projects. To promote the value of community participation and leadership, the association sponsors the annual “Found- ers Award” in recognition of an individual or group — nom- inated by villagers — for their significant volunteer contribu- tions to the community. The James A. McKee Scholarship is awarded annually to deserv- ing Yellow Springs high school graduates who have dem- onstrated notable academic achievement and leadership skills while overcoming adver- sity throughout their high school careers. “Candidates Night” provides the opportu- nity for community members to meet all of the candidates who are running for local office, and to learn more about Continued on page 21 Accommodations for 6 1 block from the Clifton Mill 2 blocks from Clifton Gorge 8 Clinton St ., Clifton C lifton G arden C abin www.CliftonGardenCabin.com CliftonGardenCabin@gmail.com Guest Lodging 937-769-5040 1535 Xenia ave. 937-767-9000 calypsogrill.net info @ calypsogrill.net open 7 Days a WeeK! 11 a.M. –9 p.M. Dine- in • Carry-out • Delivery $ 1 .50 for fast Delivery! Beer & Wine included! scan For Menu!