
GUIDE TO YELLOW SPR INGS | 2021– 2022 21 their qualifications and plans for supporting the interests of Yellow Springs’ residents. Special projects sponsored by the association include “The Cost-Of-Living Report,” “The Local Communications Net- work Study” and “The Commu- nity Information Project.” The James A. McKee Asso- ciation is a member of the Yellow Springs Nonprofit Net- work and the Yellow Springs Chamber of Commerce. In collaboration with other local and nonprofit organizations, the James A. McKee Associa- tion helps support the annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Ora- tor y Contest, The Odd Fel- lows Fireworks Celebration and many of the activities sponsored by The 365 Project. JAMA welcomes all Yellow Springs and Miami Township residents to join the asso- ciation and help enhance the quality of life throughout our community. Masonic Lodge C : 937‑767‑7882 W: facebook.com/Yellow ‑ SpringsMasonic Lodge421 T h e Ye l l o w S p r i n g s Masonic Lodge was char- tered in 1868. Its mission is to provide a fraternal brother- hood that suppor ts the prin- ciples of brotherly love, relief and truth. Masonry is a place where one can find unlimited opportunities to acquire lead- ership experience, self-devel- opment and personal growth while enjoying fellowship and service to the community. McKinney/Yellow Springs High School PTO E : yshspto@gmail.com All parents/guardians of students attending McKinney Middle School or YSHS will be considered members of the PTO. There are no mem- bership dues. The PTO meets monthly; the regular meeting time will be announced at the begin- ning of the school year. Dis- cussion, speakers and events are planned to strengthen the community and develop parent and educational success. Mills Lawn PTO W: www.millslawnpto.com ; www.facebook.com/­ MillsLawnPTO The Mi l ls Lawn Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is a volunteer organization that strives to suppor t stu- dents, families and teachers in the educational process by providing educational enrich- ment programs and services, as well as social activities for the Mills Lawn Elementar y School community. The PTO sponsors fundraising events to pay for these activities, pro- grams and services. Morgan Family Foundation C : Lori M. Kuhn, executive director, 937‑767‑9208 E : info@morganfamilyfdn.org W: www.morganfamilyfdn.org The Morgan Family Foun- dation is a private fami ly foundation based in Yellow Springs and funded in Decem- ber 2003 by Lee and Vicki Morgan. The purpose of the foundation is to improve the human condition. To fur- ther focus this purpose, the foundation has ar ticulated the following themes to guide its activities through 2024: advancing social equity in St. Cloud, Minn.; mitigating global warming in Minnesota; and end of life issues in cen- tral Minnesota. The founda- tion awards most of its grants to public charitable organiza- COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS tions in Minnesota that are addressing these themes. In addition, other communi- ties and organizations that are suppor ted by board and family members may receive grants from time to time. NAMI of Clark, Greene & Madison Counties E : info@namicgm.org W: www.namicgm.org NAMI Clark, Greene and Madison Counties (National Alliance on Mental Illness) is a nonprofit, grassroots orga- nization of fering suppor t, education and advocacy for persons living with mental illness and their families, friends and caregivers. Learn more at www.namicgm.org . NAMI Connection Recov- ery Suppor t Group is a free and ongoing recover y sup- por t group for adults with mental illness. Par ticipants can safely and confidentially talk about their mental ill- ness, learn new coping skills and find hope for a realistic future. Due to COVID-19, meet ings are being held weekly via Zoom. NAMI Fami l y Suppor t Group is a free and ongoing support group for family and friends of individuals who live with mental illness. Par tici- pants share their experiences and of fer mutual encourage- ment . Due to COVID-19, meetings are held monthly via Zoom. Call 937-322-5600 to receive Zoom links for these meet- ings. For more information about NAMI CGM, contact the group as listed above. In case of any medical emer- gency, dial 911. Narcotics Anonymous C : Helpline 937‑505‑0705, 800‑587‑4232 W: www.fiveriversna.org Narcotics Anonymous is a fellowship for achieving recov- ery from addiction. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop using drugs. The program has found that one addict helping another works to achieve that, when all else fails. The “Never Alone” group holds an open, in-person Continued from page 19 Continued on page 22 BlackPug Bike Repair 937-206-0980 • blackpugbikes.com authorized dealer for Bike Friday, Niner, HP Velotenchnik, Industry Nine & other brands. pick-up & delivery servicesoFFered Minor repairs, tune-ups, wheel builds & overhauls. By appointment only. Local Winery • Appetizers Live Music • Private Parties Wine Slushies • Wine Tastings merlot cranberry moscato riesling cayuga blackberry sangiovese vidal pinot chardonnay cabernet raspberry www.brandeberrywinery.com 937-767-9103 • 5118 W Jackson Rd, Enon