
GUIDE TO YELLOW SPR INGS | 2021– 2022 23 TLT is working with land- owners in Miami Township through the Jacoby Creek Par tnership, a grant-funded initiative to preser ve farms and install conservation prac- tices on properties along the Jacoby and Yellow Springs creeks. The goals of this proj- ect are to improve the qual- ity of water draining into the Little Miami River and pre- ser ve key proper ties in the Jacoby Greenbelt and Coun- tr y Commons, areas long- identified by the Village of Yellow Springs as impor tant to protect. Donat ions to this local nonprofit make it possible for staf f to reach out to and assist private landowners who wish to preserve their special farms or natural proper ties. The land trust has preserved 168 proper ties, encompass- ing over 28,000 acres and 42 stream miles. Glen Helen, enjoyed by many visi tors every year, is the best-known proper ty protected by the land trust. Landowne r s and l and lovers alike are encouraged to contact the land trust to learn more about its work, upcom- ing walks and events, and vol- unteer opportunities. UNICEF C : Joy Fishbain, 937‑767‑7724 UN I CEF, t h e Un i t e d Nations Children’s Fund, has worked since 1946 to protect the lives of children around the world. Assistance is pro- vided in the areas of health care, safe water supply, sanita- tion, nutrition, education and training. The Yellow Springs com- munity has given generous suppor t to UNICEF. Many residents make an ef for t to purchase Unicef cards and children collect donations during Halloween “Trick or Treat for Unicef.” To shop for cards online, visit www.unicefusa.org/shop or call 1-800 553 1200 to place your order. Holiday cards may also be purchased from Hallmark Gold Crown Stores, Pier One Imports, Barnes and Noble or by contacting Joy Fishbain, who has a selection of boxed cards from recent years at discounted rates. Yellow Springs Chamber of Commerce C : 101 Dayton St., 937‑767‑2686 E : info@yellowspringsohio.org W: www.yellowspringsohio.org The Yellow Springs Cham- ber of Commerce is a non- profit organization whose mission is to encourage a vibrant business environment that drives the success of its members while enhancing the quality of life in our com- muni ty. The YS Chamber supports more than 300 mem- bers. The YS Chamber hosts member events on the third Thursday of ever y month. Chamber Chats are infor- mal member gatherings to discuss areas of interest for members. Lunch and Learn events bring guest speak- ers with a focus on issues of concern for members. Meet- ings are held either at 9 a.m. or noon in the Bryan Center, rooms A and B. Business After Hours are networking events held at member loca- tions as an oppor tunity for them to highlight their busi- ness and are held from 5:30- 7:30 p.m., also on the third Thursday. The of f ice is cent ral ly located in the Yellow Springs Station on the Little Miami Scenic Trail; visitors and resi- dents can stop in for informa- tion and brochures. YS Cham- ber employees typically staf f the office from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays, but call first to be sure someone is available. Twice a year — on the second Saturday in June and October — the YS Chamber sponsors the Yellow Springs Street Fair, an all-day craft, food, music and beer fes- tival to showcase the com- muni ty. The YS Chamber also par tners on several other major events including YS Pride, Springs-Fest, YS Open Studios and Holiday in the Springs, plus numerous smaller events throughout the year. Yellow Springs Community Foundation C : 108 Dayton St.; P.O. Box 55, 937‑767‑2655 E : yscf@yscf.org W: www.yscf.org The Yellow Springs Commu- nity Foundation supports proj- ects in our schools and local colleges; the ar ts, seniors, our environment, and local housing; gives scholarships to students; and provides local impact investment loans. The work of the Founda- tion is made possible by many community-minded donors. Would your nonprofit like to have suppor t on a project in our community? Apply for a YSCF grant, today. Have you thought about volunteering or employment with a nonprofit? Want to know more about nonprof- its in our community — how they operate, and how you can be involved? The Foundation operates the Nonprofit Lead- ership Institute to engage and inspire community ser vice through education. Who are all these students working with our local non- prof i ts? Ask them i f they are on a Miller Fellowship. The Foundation’s Miller Fel- lowship program is a key resource for students and nonprofits fostering commu- nity through work. Need tax relief? Enhance your giving by engaging with the Foundation to distribute the funds. When you give a large gift to the Foundation for tax purposes we can pro- vide smaller gifts to nonprof- its of your choice over mul- tiple years. The Foundation has been COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS Continued on page 24 At Rails-to-Trails Conservancy, we are building a nation connected by trails. We reimagine public spaces to create safe ways for everyone to walk, bike and be active outdoors. Midwest Regional Office in Yellow Springs • railstotrails.org Saint Paul Catholic Church Phillips at Elm Street Established 1856 Office: 308 Phillips Street • 937-372-3193 • Fax 937-767-7465 office@stpaulyellowsprings.org • www.stpaulyellowpsprings.org WEEKLY MASS Sundays: 11:15 a.m. Wednesdays: 6 p.m. Thursdays & Fridays: 8:30 a.m. Saturday Vigils: 4 p.m.