
24 GUIDE TO YELLOW SPR INGS | 2021– 2022 suppor ting donors and local nonprofits to build an extraor- dinary community since 1974. Contact the YSCF to be part of the effort. Yellow Springs 4 Season Farmers Market C : Michele Burns, 937‑319‑6076 E : yellowspringsfarmersmarket @yahoo.com W: www.ysfarmersmarket. com; facebook.com/ YellowSpringsFarmers Market For over 40 years, the Yellow Springs Four Season Farmers Market has provided locally grown produce, meats, eggs and much more, all from area farmers and businesses. The market is open Saturdays, April–Nov. 8 a.m.–noon, and Dec.–March, 9–11 a.m., in the Bryan Center parking lot, 100 Dayton St., in Yellow Springs. Email or check the mar- ket’s Facebook page or web- site for the latest information and weekly offerings. Yellow Springs Historical Society C : David Neuhardt, President, 937‑767‑7106; Gillian Hill, 937‑767‑7432, P.O. Box 501 W: www.yshistory.org ; blog. yshistory.org ; “Yellow Springs Historical Society” on Facebook The Yellow Springs Histori- cal Society, founded in 1985, is dedicated to telling the stories of Yellow Springs’ history. The society looks for fresh ways of making the history of Yellow Springs, Miami Township and the region real and exciting to local residents and visitors. The society plans four or more programs a year at which a dif ferent stor y is told. In addition, the society seeks to make these stories accessible to a wider audience through other means. These other ef for ts have included photo and other exhibits at the Street Fair and other public events; publications, including the popular reprint of Harold Igo’s local ghost stories from the Yellow Springs News and a biography of William Mills by Jane Baker; cooperation with local history programs in schools; stories and announce- ments on the website and Facebook; community events and celebrations; suppor t of oral and video histor y proj- ects; advocacy for the preser- vation and collecting the sto- ries of historic structures, and maintenance of the Antioch Bookplate archives. Future projects include tours with supplemental bro- chures, a formal inventory of a growing collection of artifacts, in-depth research on the histor- ical houses of Yellow Springs and the long-term vision of a museum and research center. The Historical Society is a co- sponsor of the Grinnell Mill Foundation, which promotes the preservation of the historic Grinnell Mill just outside of Yellow Springs. Yellow Springs Home, Inc. C : P.O. Box 503, 937‑767‑2790 E : info@yshome.org W: www.yshome.org ; www. facebook.com/yellowspring‑ shomeinc Yellow Springs Home, Inc. (Home, Inc.) is a nonprofit community development cor- poration whose mission is to strengthen community and diversity in Yellow Springs and Miami Township by providing permanently af fordable, sus- tainable housing through its Community Land Trust. Home, Inc. accomplishes its mission through five major areas: • Working with households to prepare for homeowner- ship through the Home Buyer Coaching program, which is centered around individualized one-on-one financial coaching; • Building and rehabbing homes and rentals af fordable to low- and moderate-income families; • Supporting homeowners in the program through stew- ardship activities; • Advocating for sustainable development; • Developing and imple - menting a robust af firmative marketing plan for its pro- grams and Yellow Springs through collaboration. Home, Inc. has built or rehabbed 22 housing units and counting and has not had a single foreclosure since its founding. Home, Inc. is organized as a membership-based Commu- nity Land Trust (CLT) with a board of directors that is at least one-third low-income and includes homeowner represen- tation. The CLT model encour- ages the permanent affordabil- ity of each home built. Funding from local donors, foundations, and county and state govern- ment helps to support its hous- ing development efforts. Visit the Home, Inc. website for more information on homes for sale, rentals and the Home Buyer Coaching program. Home, Inc. also welcomes community volunteers. Become a member today: yshome.org/become-a--member. Yellow Springs Neighborhood Gardens C : 937‑767‑2729, 937‑750‑6090 W: Facebook: Neighborhood Gardens of Yellow Springs Neighborhood gardening is based on a simple idea: to COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS Continued from page 23 937-767-0131 3536 Bryan Park Rd. | www.grinnellmillbandb.com • renovated historic mill • private bathrooms • conference/party room available   Grinnell mill bed & breakfast