32 GUIDE TO YELLOW SPR INGS | 2021– 2022 virus pandemic, at the time of writing, the Multi-Arts Center is not open to the public, and exhibitions are being held vir- tually; visit the council’s web- site for updated information. YSAC is a member organi- zation that relies on member- ship dues and donations and the dedication of a mar vel- ous group of volunteers. The organization is also supported through grant writing and fundraising projects. Artists, appreciators and suppor ters of all arts disciplines are wel- comed and encouraged to par- ticipate in the organization. Yellow Springs Chamber Orchestra C : James Johnston, music director, E : delphi@ameritech.net W: ysmusic.org The Chamber Orchestra welcomes all intermediate and advanced string players and selected woodwind and brass players in consulta- tion with the music director. Ability to read music is nec- essar y. The ensemble gives two to three concerts a year, frequently with chorus, and per forms standard reper- toire from the 18th to the 21st centuries. Rehearsals are Tuesday evenings, 7:30–9 p.m., in the First Presbyterian Church. In March 2020, all rehears- als and per formances were temporarily suspended due to the ongoing pandemic until it is deemed safe to congregate publicly in large groups again. Pending decisions regarding building use at the Presby- terian Church, the orchestra expects to star t rehearsing again in the fall of 2021. Yellow Springs Strings C : Shirley Mullins, 937‑767‑3361; Marna Street, 513‑236‑0248 E : streetmusic@live.com Yellow Springs Strings is a string orchestra for adults that meets Tuesdays, 7–8:30 p.m., at the Yellow Springs Senior Center. Players of modest-to-advanced levels of proficiency are welcome. There are no fees for partici- pation. The ensemble is con- ducted by Shirley Mullins. Children and young adults join with the ensemble for special occasions. Member- ship is fluid; college students home for vacation, children of orchestra members, etc. are welcome. The Yellow Springs Strings is assisted by the Yellow Springs Youth Orches- tra Association; visit ysyoa. org for more information. Yellow Springs Theater Company E : ystheatercompany@gmail. com W: facebook.com/ystcohio ; www.ystheater.org With a belief that theater can enrich the soul, challenge the mind and expand the heart of the diverse community in which it ser ves, the Yellow Springs Theater Company is committed to producing new and classic works of theater that fearlessly examine and illuminate the human condi- tion: past, present and future. Formed in 2014, YSTC comprises local artists, actors, di rectors and musicians. Through performances of new and classic plays, as well as the Yellow Springs 10 Minute Play festival, YSTC aims to pres- ent high quality and af ford- able theatrical performances for local audiences that both entertain and resonate. Lear n about YSTC and how to support its mission by making a donation at www. ystheater.org . Yellow Springs Youth Orchestra Association C : Suzanne Grote E : sgrote23@gmail.com W: www.ysyoa.org The Yellow Springs Youth Or c he s t r a As s o c i a t i on , YSYOA, was established in 1964 to promote and support music activities and education for youth in Yellow Springs. Today that support is of fered to the entire community and includes musicians of all ages and abilities. YSYOA supports local school music programs, offers a summer music camp, provides scholarships for camps and instruction and presents recitals and con- certs, including multi-genera- tional activities such as Yellow Springs Strings. ARTS & RECREATION increased its arts advocacy role in 2012, which led to the Yellow Springs Village Council’s adop- tion of a Public Ar ts Policy in January of 2013. Regional publicity for YSAC-supported events, in partnership with the YS Chamber of Commerce, brings thousands of visitors to Yellow Springs annually for arts-related events. Due to the ongoing corona- Continued from page 31 LOCAL NEWS $55–$65/yr., ysnews.com/subscribe MOVIES ON THE BIG SCREEN! “The best place to watch a movie together” 230 Xenia | 767-1628 Mon.–Fri., 8 a.m.–5:30 p.m. Sat. 8 a.m.–Noon • Closed Sun. ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS 937-864-7733 EnonVeterinary Hospital We’ve expanded our staff to better serve our pet community. For appointments, emergencies, boarding & grooming, please call 208 W. Main St., Enon, OH
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