
44 GUIDE TO YELLOW SPR INGS | 2021– 2022 registration process. Yellow Springs Youth Baseball is for all the community’s children, regardless of their race, color, creed, sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orienta- tion, ethnicity, spiritual incli- nation, ability or disability. Yellow Springs Youth Soccer C : Bob Curley, 937‑767‑7070; Bill and Lynn Hardman, 937‑768‑4140 E : hardmansoccer@sbcglobal.net W: www.facebook.com/Yellow‑ SpringsSoccerInc The mi ss ion of Yel low Springs Soccer, Inc. (YSSI) is to encourage and assist in the development and growth of community leagues, asso- ciations, organizations, pro- grams and teams, so that soccer is made available to more people at all levels of competition. Since its incep- tion 51 years ago, the recre- ational soccer program has of fered accessible soccer ever y fall and spring to the children of Yellow Springs and nearby communities. The program continues to be run entirely by volunteers and is funded by donations — no registration fees are charged for inclusion on a recreational soccer team. There are currently four age levels of recreational youth soccer that form groups or teams after an annual regis- tration clinic in late summer: • Copper Cup — pre-K to kindergarten; • Bronze Cup — first to third grade; (or similar age) • Silver Cup — fourth to fifth grade; • Gold Cup — sixth to eighth grade. Traveling teams also form as interest warrants. Contact YSSI for more information. YSSI, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, benefits from monetar y donations and an annual soccer camp each June. If you’d like to contribute, make checks out to YSSI and mail to: YSSI, P.O. Box 813, Yellow Springs, OH 45387. YSKP— Yellow Springs Kids Playhouse C : 937‑545‑1478 E : flemo.jf@gmail.com W: www.yskp.org Launched in 1994, the YS Kids Playhouse is a multime- dia theater for youth founded by Ar tistic Director John Fleming. The YSKP promotes creative interaction between area youth, professional ar t- ists and a variety of art forms. It is the recipient of numer- ous grant awards, including the Nat ional Endowment for the Ar ts, the Ohio Ar ts Council, the Morgan Family Foundation and the YS Com- munity Foundation. As a non- profit community theater arts education program, it also receives individual, business and corporate support. In 2020, the YSKP began of fering a new vision for the celebrated youth theater — the Traveling Tabletop The- ater. The TTT is a mobile puppet theater that brings contemporary and traditional manifestations of puppetry to areas and neighborhoods in Yellow Springs and surround- ings. In addition to the featured programming, workshops in puppetry are of fered at each venue site. The TTT is an excit- ing new direction for the YSKP — one that allows the shows to reach more people more often during the year. Par ticipation in produc- tions is open to all. For more information, including infor- mation about COVID-19 con- tingencies, visit www.yskp. org, www. facebook.com/ theyskp or email flemo.jf@ gmail.com. YOUTH ORGANIZATIONS Continued from page 43 Love the experience *According to Subaru’s retailer list of 2020 Proudly serving Yellow SpringS and the Surrounding communitY Since 1966 9 th oldest * Subaru dealer in the u.S. 5470 Intrastate Dr. | Fairborn | 937.878.2171 www.WagnerSubaru.com