
GUIDE TO YELLOW SPR INGS | 2021– 2022 51 EDUCATION gram (2:45–6 p.m.), previ- ously held at Mills Lawn, is now located at the Yellow Springs Communi ty Chi l - dren’s Center. It is a rec- reational program of fering care for students enrolled at Mills Lawn, grades K–6, and is designed to provide a safe, stimulating and enrich- ing env i ronment tha t i s child-centered. Students may choose activities according to their own interests, including inside and outside play, orga- nized games, sports, arts and crafts and homework sup- port, and a daily snack is pro- vided. In addition to before and after care, the school also provides ser vices on holidays, school closings due to inclement weather, school breaks and late start Wednes- day care. The program accepts Title XX tuition assistance. After- care enrollment is limited to 28 students. YSCCC also hosts Summer camp from June through August for school-aged stu- dents, which includes weekly themed activities, local field trips, swimming at the Well- ness Center and community projects. For registration materi - als or more information, call 767-7236. Friends Preschool Program C : Kathy Harper, early childhood director, 937‑767‑1303, ext. 113 E : kharper@greeneesc.org Friends Preschool pro- gram is a public school pro- gram operated by the Greene County Educational Ser vice Center. Located at Friends Care Community, the pro- gram provides fun, rich and developmentally appropri - ate educational experiences to children with delays in development as well as typi- cally developing tuition stu- dents from the community. Speech, occupat ional and physical therapy ser vices are also available as needed for chi ldren who qual i fy. The program is dedicated to helping seniors and chil- dren learn together through the development of inter- generational programs. The program includes a strong educational component with structured teaching to help children prepare for kinder- gar ten, as well as providing guidance in health, nutri - tion, motor skills and social- emo t i ona l deve l opmen t . Class sizes are small, with a ratio of 12 students to two or three staf f. Teaching staf f have bachelor’s or master’s degrees in education and are fully cer tified inter vention special ists. The program fol lows a comprehensive curriculum that aligns with Ohio’s Early Learning Con- tent Standards. Bus trans- por tation is available. The program is free to children with disabilities; there is a nominal tuition charge for private pay children. Friends Preschool ser ves children ages 3–5 from both Yellow Spr ings and Cedar Cl i f f school districts. If you know a child who needs an evalu- ation refer ral or are inter- ested in your chi ld being placed on a waiting list, con- tact Preschool Super visor Traci Womack at twomack@ greeneesc.org Greene County Career Center C : 532 Innovation Dr., Xenia 937‑372‑6941 E : rbolender@greeneccc.com W: www.greeneccc.com Greene County Career Center has ser ved as the region’s premier provider of career and technical edu- cation for high school and adult students since 1967. The center ser ves as a hub for high school juniors and seniors who seek career and college preparation in a hands-on envi ronment . Approximately 60% of those completing a career-technical program at GCCC go on to a two- or four-year college or university, a career or trade school or an accred- ited apprenticeship program. In 2020, the district opened a new, $80 million training center that will ser ve the next several generations of students. Currently, 22 pro- grams are of fered on the new main campus in Xenia and at the Lewis A. Jackson Regional Airpor t. In addi- tion to programs of fered on the main campus, the career center also provides instruc- tion at all seven school dis- tricts in Greene County. At Yellow Springs High School, engineering classes are pro- vided by Greene County Career Center. The school also is the home of one of the premier adult programs in Ohio, the Peace Of ficer Basic Training class. Each year, dozens of new police of ficers earn their cer tifica- tion thanks to this program. Additionally, Greene County Career Center also provides refresher courses for cur- rent law enforcement profes- sionals and runs an academy for upcoming cor rections officers. Greene County Educational Service Center C : 360 E. Enon Rd., 937‑767‑1303 W: www.greeneESC.org The mission of the Greene County Educational Ser vice Center, or GCESC, is to pro- mote the educational suc- cess of students by providing essential, ef fective, special- ized ser vices suppor t ing collaborative par tnerships amongst all stakeholders. GCESC provides high-quality special education and instruc- tional services to the districts in Greene County. The ser- vices provided to each district vary depending on the size of the district and the special needs that each district has. GCESC contracts with each district on a yearly basis. By coordinating services for the districts, GCESC is able to help them reduce duplication of personnel and programs, thereby reducing costs for the schools. The center is considered to be a premier provider of therapy services for students, including physi- cal therapy, occupat ional therapy, speech therapy and adapted physical education. The center provides vision, hear ing, or ientat ion and mobility, and audiology ser- vices to the Greene County Continued on page 52 T w i n C o a C h a p a r T m e n T s 310 / 320 Union street Yellow springs, ohio 45387 937-767-9180 or 937-408-3424 Central Air • Fully Carpeted Two-Bedroom Apartments Two blocks from Downtown