
GUIDE TO YELLOW SPR INGS | 2021– 2022 65 Miami Township C : Miami Township of fices, 101 E. Herman St., 937‑767‑2460 E : trustees@miamitownship.net W: www.miamitownship.net Miami Township, estab- lished in 1817, encompasses approximately 25 square mi l es in Greene County and includes the Villages of Yellow Springs and Clifton. It is governed by a three-mem- ber Board of Trustees, cur- rently Chris Mucher, Mark Crockett and Don Hollister, and by Margaret Silliman, fiscal officer. Miami Township is zoned, and the trustees oversee and appoint five members of the Zoning Commission and the Board of Zoning Appeals. The Miami Township Zoning Code and Map are available online. The Trustees also main- tain 14.35 miles of Township roads, all of which are hard surfaced, and the operation of six cemeteries; Clifton-Union, Glen Forest , Glen Forest East, Glen Forest Natural Burial Cemeter y, including the memor i a l Scat ter ing Garden, Pleasant Grove Cem- etery and the Grinnell Family Cemetery. The Township also owns the historic Grinnell Mill, a restored 19th Century Grist Mill that currently operates as a Bed and Breakfast whose contact number is 937-767- 0131. The Board of Tr ustees meets the f irst and third Mondays of each month at 5 p.m., at the Trustees offices, located at 101 E. Herman St. in Yellow Springs. Town- ship residents are invited to attend meetings, which traditionally have an “open” addenda format. Board of Tr ustee meet ing minutes can be viewed by visiting www.miamitownship.net . Village Mediation Program of Yellow Springs C : Luciana Lief f, 937‑605‑8754 E : MAccount@vil.yellow ‑ springs.oh.us W: www.yso.com The V i l lage Mediat ion Program of Yellow Springs provides peaceful and produc- tive methods of addressing conflict in the Yellow Springs and Miami Township commu- nity. Skilled volunteer media- tors provide free mediation sessions to assist community members with their disputes. Free facilitation and consulta- tion services are available for nonprofit, community service and education organizations. VMP offers a variety of work- shops and training oppor tu- nities for local residents and organizations. New mediators are always welcomed. Con- tact us for more information. Village of Yellow Springs C : John Bryan Community Center, 100 Dayton St., 937‑767‑3402; Parks and Recreation, 937‑767‑7209 E : monitors@vil.yellowsp rings. oh.us W: www.yso.com An engaged, active citi - zenry and a responsive gov- ernment are a tradition in Yellow Springs. The V i l l age of Ye l l ow Springs is a political subdi- vision of the state of Ohio, governed by a home-r ule charter adopted in 1950. The Village operates under the Council-Manager form of gov- ernment, operating several departments, including police, streets maintenance, parks, water treatment and distribu- tion, sewer and storm water collection, water reclamation, refuse/recycling, and elec- trical service. Fire and EMS service are provided by Miami Township. The Village offices are located in the Br yan Center, at 100 Dayton St. The policy-making body of the Village, Village Council, is a nonpartisan, five-member gov- erning elected body.The Village Manager assists Council with policy decisions. The Village Council meets on the first and third Monday of each month at 7 p.m., in the Bryan Center. Other governing bodies are the Planning Commission and the Board of Zoning Appeals. All meetings of these governing groups are open to the public. Counci l also has estab- lished citizen advisory com- mittees and commissions that advise Council on policy mat- ters. These are the Librar y Commission, Human Rela- tions Commission, Environ- mental Commission and Arts and Culture Commission.. The Br yan Center is a multi-use facility that provides space for Village government of fices, the YSPD, Mayor’s Court, conference and meet- ing rooms, a youth center and a number of recreational and educational areas. Gaunt Park, located on West South College Street, is the Village’s largest park and is home to two softball dia- monds, soccer fields and the public swimming pool. Ellis Park, on the nor th end of town, is a passive rec- reation park where patrons enjoy strolling through the Lloyd Kennedy Arboretum and using the fishing pond. Ohio’s longest bike trail, the Little Miami Bike Trail, runs adjacent to the Br yan Center parking lot. The Vil- lage manages i ts sect ion of trail in conjunction with the Greene County Parks & Trails department. VILLAGE GOVERNMENT More info: 937-767-9490 or www.tecumsehlandtrust.org AND FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK! Protecting local farmland, water, and natural areas forever. O nly 3% of the earth’s surface is ideally suited for food production — prime soils and plentiful, safe water. Over half the land right here in the Miami Valley fits that description! T he Tecumseh Land Trust is ready to preserve those special lands that make Ohio our home. By preserving and conserving land and water, we help to ensure that whatever the future may hold, generations to come will be able to enjoy the rural and natural environment that we know and love today. W ant to help us protect local farmland, water and natural areas forever? There are many ways to help — please get in touch!