
74 GUIDE TO YELLOW SPR INGS | 2021– 2022 TELLING THE STORY OF YELLOW SPRINGS, SINCE 1880 By YS NEWS STAFF W ashington Post pub- lisher Phillip Graham once said that journalism is the first rough draft of history. Since 1880, the Yellow Springs News has been penning, printing and preserving that first draft for the community. In many ways, the News is a reflection of the village it covers: intellectual, artistic, concerned with civil rights and productive discourse and committed to cultivating community. Just like Yellow Springs, the News is an interesting mix of tradition - alism and radicalism, hold- ing onto the old method of hot-type printing longer than most papers, while leaping far ahead of others with its bold, progressive viewpoints. In its early years, the News was in almost constant flux. Yet since the 1940s — despite some changes in name, leadership and location — its strong editorial stances and journalistic standards have been remarkably consistent. Award-winning and worker- owned, the News has aggres- sively pursued the truth, promoted the liberation of all citizens and aimed to give a voice to those historically excluded. Beginnings Warren Anderson, one of the first Antioch College grad - uates in 1860, also published the first issue of The Review — the newspaper that would The late Ken Champney hand feeds sheets of paper into the large Miehle letterpress that was used to print the paper until about 1992. | YS NEWS ARCHIVE PHOTO THE YELLOW SPRINGS NEWS Are you seeking A new spirituAl home? The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Yellow Springs is a progressive, inclusive, supportive congregation for people with diverse beliefs, committed to social justice and a free and responsible search for truth and meaning. YoU maY be a UniTarian and don'T know iT! Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Phone: 937-767-1603 website: www.UUF-YS.org Follow us on Facebook: Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Yellow Springs Sunday services at 10:30 either on Zoom or at the meeting House. Call for information.