
GUIDE TO YELLOW SPR INGS | 2021– 2022 77 Yellow Springs Community Library C : 937‑352‑4003; 937-767-7661 W: www.greenelibrary.info The Yellow Springs Com- munity Librar y is a hub for many of the village’s commu- nity programs, resources and activities. All that is needed is a library card to gain access to all the public librar y has to of fer. The librar y ser ves everyone, driven by a strong cul ture focused on creat - ing young readers, sparking the imagination to inspire lifelong learning and provid- ing for a comfor table place for learners, groups and the community. Notable features include a wide range of ser vices focused on early literacy and youth engagement — from Dolly Par ton’s Imagination Librar y to weekly Stor y Time programs to crafting programs and more. The librar y features an equally robust range of resources and ser vices for teens and adults. Online databases and resources include LinkedIn Learning and Gale Courses for a wide range of personal and professional pursuits, such as research, learning new skills, and career devel- opment. Also included are ever yday-use ser vices such as computers, WiFi, copy- ing and wireless and remote printing. The librar y’s col- lection of books, periodicals and other media is not to be overlooked. While the library system itself houses hun- dreds of thousands of items, its collaboration with partner libraries throughout Ohio brings access to more than 75 million items. Finally, as one of seven loca- tions of the Greene County Public Library, Yellow Springs Community Library of fers its patrons access to Spark Place, a maker space located above the Xenia Community Library. This resource has been foster- ing creativity and innovation since it opened in 2015 and is an integral part of the success of small businesses, nonprof- its and creative makers of all kinds. The librar y is one of the best ways to truly connect to the community. Visit the library in person or online at www.greenelibrary.info. Yellow Springs Library Association W: www.facebook.com/­ YellowSpringsLibrary Association The Yellow Springs Library Association has a long his- tor y of volunteer achieve- ment. The doors of the first l ibrar y in Yel low Springs opened in 1899 through the ef for ts of a group that, in 1901, incorporated as the YSLA. The group was responsible for maintaining ever y aspect of the librar y until 1926, when the librar y became par t of the Greene County library system. In 1980, the association produced “This Town Is Our Town,” a slide and tape his- tor y of Yellow Springs, and in 1978 it founded the Corky Schif f Circulating Art Collec- tion and established a local authors shelf. The association commissioned Jon Barlow Hudson to create “Tree of Knowl edge , ” an outdoor sculpture that was dedicated in 1993. The YSLA is now a “Friends of the Librar y” organizat ion. The gover - nance of the Yellow Springs Community Librar y and its day-to-day operation are the responsibility of the Greene County system; YSLA assists the librar y in many ways, including providing funds for many of the extras that make the librar y so useful and appealing.Membership in the Yellow Springs Library Association, or YSLA, is open to everyone. Annual member- ship dues are $5 per house- hold, with the opportunity for lifetime membership for $100. YSLA brochures with mem- bership application forms are available at the entrances to the library. You can find the YSLA on Facebook at face- book.com/YellowSpringsLi- braryAssociation. LIBRARY Gentle Dentistry “Caring for Your Teeth and Your Feelings” J. Marc Holser, D.D.S. 1153W. Second Street, Xenia Hours by Appointment www.jmarcholserdds.com New Patients Welcome Orthodontics & Emergency Care Complete Dental Care Available • 937-376-9464 • The Village MediaTion PrograM of Yellow SPringS MediaTion iS a Place for... Addressing conflict Productive conversation Making decisions Gaining clarity Saying what you need to say Working things out ManY PeoPle uSe MediaTion... Neighbors Landlords & Tenants Separated parents Family members Young people Co-workers The Village Mediation Program assists organizations by providing Facilitators for meetings, Consultation on options for addressing a dispute or Training in conflict resolution skills. To contact the Village Mediation Program: 937-605-8754 or MAccount@vil.yellowsprings.oh.us Dedicated to providing peaceful and productive methods for addressing conflict to Village and Township residents for free . Al Kahina Middle Eastern (Belly) Dance Studio Traditional Arabic Women’s Dance Classes & Performances Kathleen Hennessy 937-767-1301 KathleenHennessy0801@gmail.com