
80 GUIDE TO YELLOW SPR INGS | 2021– 2022 trying to say,” was published widely across the country. During this period, Lynton Appleberry was working the linotype, and was known to improve the copy, fix spell - ing and chop out phrases of “garbled horror,” according to one Antioch Record student editor (the Record was long printed by the News). Apple- berry spent 27 years tapping away at the machine. An Oct. 14, 1964, issue of the News detailed the “Who’s Who of the News” at the timE: “First step in a newspaper — Eleanor Switzer takes news over the phone. Type is set by Lynton Appleberry. Proof is read by Pat Matthews. Corrections are made by Ken Champney. Press is fed — pro- ducing the printed paper — by Joe Letson. While Ralph “Bud” Wines keeps the job press busy. Everybody works for father, editor Kieth Howard.” Modern News history Howard’s retirement in 1976 was big news in the com- munity. The paper published an eight-page special edition. Village Council honored him by renaming Kieth’s Alley in his honor. Twenty-five trees were planted by 25 community groups in honor of Howard on Mills Lawn in what started both the Yellow Springs Tree Committee and the tradition of memorial trees on the lawn. Upon his retirement, Mat - thews penned one tribute, noting that Howard helped her “crash the color barrier” at the Ohio Newspaper Con- vention by taking her to the meeting. “Kieth has done a lot to see that justice is done for the have-nots,” she added. “Sometimes it made him very Editor emeritus Don Wallis in the process of composing a page. Wallis’ folksy writing style was a good fit for the village, as was his fierce advocacy for justice. | YS NEWS ARCHIVE PHOTO Continued from page 79 Detox. RELAX. Breathe. THINK. Dream. RECOVER. Enjoy. Float sessions range from 1 hour to 8 hours. 937-696-9595 www.GravitySpa.com