
GUIDE TO YELLOW SPR INGS | 2021– 2022 89 online. Midweek Bible stud- ies are held on Wednesday evenings at 7 p.m., and are held online only. Livestreams may be found at www.face- book.com/firstbaptistys. The church prescr ibes for itself a core belief in the love of all mankind generated by the love of God, and is a caring community of Chris- tians who desire to be in the community, seeking to trans- form the community for the glor y of God and the testi- mony of Jesus Christ. The church’s mission state- ment is: “Making disciples who make a difference.” First Presbyterian Church of Yellow Springs C : 314 Xenia Ave. Office hours: 9 a.m.–noon, Monday–Friday, Church office, 937‑767‑7751 E : firpys@gmail.com W: www.facebook.com/FPCYS A welcoming community committed to justice, kind- ness and radical inclusion, First Presbyterian Church was organi zed in Yel low Springs in 1855. The church’s presence in the community has been a very visible one, and the new addition built in 1958 was dedicated for minis- try oriented toward the com- munity. The church has been racially integrated since 1949. A strong musical empha- sis has brought excellence and diversity to the church’s musical program, as well as making the church a center for community music pro- grams. First Presbyterian Church also of fers space for meetings by many com- munity groups as a par t of its ministr y, including The Beloved Community Proj - ect, the Little Free Pantr y, A l coho l i c s Anonymous , Cub Scouts, Monday Morn- ing Ar tists, Chamber Music in Yel low Springs, Yel low Springs Theater Company, suppor t groups, social jus- tice and peacemaking orga- ni zat ions and dance and movement classes. First Presbyterian Church is a More Light Presbyte- rian Church, working for the full inclusion of LGBTQIA+ people in the l i fe of the Presbyterian Church (USA) and in society. The church states: “When we say ‘all are welcome,’ we mean it.” First Presbyterian Church wel - comes all kinds of people to join the inclusive community of God’s people continuing Christ’s ministr y of justice, mercy and love in the world. Worship is of fered on Sun- days at 10:30 a.m., as well as church school for children and youth and both adult and children’s choirs. Grandmother Drum Healing Circle C : Grandmother Peggy, 937‑767‑9331; Grand­ mother Abby, 937‑767‑1170 The Grandmother Drum Healing Circle draws from Indigenous spiritual prac- t ices that recogni ze and honor the wisdom of female elders, the heal ing power of the drum and the impor- tance of our connection to the ear th. The group aims to build community and sup- port one another. Each gathering begins with a silent meditation, followed by a fire ceremony and drum- ming. Colored cloths repre- sent the four directions, and these colors swirl together to form pastels that flow out in all directions with a voice for peace. The circle is open to ever yone to honor the sacredness of the full moon. Following drumming, partici- pants share finger foods and conversations. Pleasant Grove Missionary Church C : Pastor Bryan Graham, 937‑767‑8011 E : pleasantgrovemc@gmail.com W: www.pleasantgroveMC. org; www.facebook.com/ pleasantgrovemc The Missionary Church is a family of churches commit- ted to Jesus Christ, the Bible and the Great Commission. The Pleasant Grove Mission- ary Church has been a par t of the community since 1945, and the mission of its congre- gants is to love God, grow together and ser ve others. Sunday school classes for all ages begin at 9:30 a.m. Sunday worship and chi l - dren’s church starts at 10:45 a.m. A nursery is available for all Sunday morning services. Sunday evening Bible study is held at 6 p.m. The church writes: “Join us as we worship our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!” St. Paul Catholic Church C : 308 Phillips St., 937‑767‑7450, fax 937‑767‑7465 E : office@stpaulyellowsprings.org W: www.stpaulyellowsprings.org The cornerstone of the first St. Paul Catholic Church was laid in 1856 on a lot at the corner of West North College and High streets. In 1908 the current church at the corner of Phillips and Elm streets was dedicated in a building that once housed the First Christian Church. St. Paul has 300 registered families on its roster. It offers the Parish School of Religion for pre-K through 12th grade students, Youth Ministr y and Adult Faith Formation SPIRITUAL COMMUNITY Continued on page 90 mminde jberman mmindes ign@aol.com humerusjk b@aol.com DESIG ILL USTRATION innovative design solutions web, print& identity iconic illustration & cartoons 937.767.2330 mminde@ ysnews.com ber ancartoons@ gmail.com Now at Village Artisans & Urban Handmade i de jminde Help us help your library. To join, send $5 plus any donation you’d like to make to: Yellow Springs Library Association P.O. Box 554 • Yellow Springs, OH 45387 Find out about YSLA literacy grants available through the YSCF, visit yscf.org/literacy-grants. 937-352-4003 • www.greenelibrary.info Join theYSLA .