
GUIDE TO YELLOW SPR INGS | 2021– 2022 9 WYSO Public Radio C : 937‑767‑6420 E : wyso@wyso.org W: www.wyso.org WYSO Public Radio, 91.3 FM, is the most listened-to publ ic radio station ser v- ing the Miami Valley. It was founded by Antioch College students in 1958 as a com- munity radio station. In 2019, the station separated from Antioch College. The broad- cast license now belongs to the community. WYSO is the area’s primary source for NPR programming, including “Morning Edition” and “All Things Considered.” En t er t a i nmen t f avor i t es include “Fresh Air,” “This American Life” and “Wait Wait … Don’t Tell Me.” WYSO features news programming from the BBC World Service for its overnight schedule. WYSO pr oduces l oca l news repor ts and features, the weekly magazine “WYSO Weekend” and many locally hosted music programs. WYSO broadcasts at 50,000 watts to a weekly audience of 70,000. WYSO depends on listener and business suppor t for most of its operating budget. Businesses may contact the station to reach WYSO’s audi- ence through underwriting messages. Information on programs and memberships and audio streaming are avail- able at wyso.org . Yellow Springs Community Access C : Lacey Fox, Station Man‑ ager. Council Chambers, John Bryan Community Center, 937‑767‑7803. Appointment times avail‑ able upon request. E : communityaccess@gmail.com W: https://bit.ly/3lKXsao Yel low Springs Commu- ni ty Access (YSCA) i s a local cable television station available to Spectrum cable subscribers (Channel 5) and online at YouTube. The sta- t ion broadcasts meet ings of V i l lage Counci l , Plan- ning Commission, Board of Zoning Appeals and Miami Township Trustees. Chan- nel 5 also receives submis- sions from other organiza- tions such as the James A. McKee Assoc i at ion, The Yel low Springs Historical Society and the Tecumseh Land Trust. All local groups and residents may submit video projects they choose to share with the community. Submitted announcements of local events are ai red throughout the day, inter- spersed between programs. Villagers and organizations are encouraged to submit photos, videos and announce- ments promoting local ar ts and culture. Station cameras and tripods are available on loan for residents who would like to record a community event or publ ic meet ing. Basic training is available with advance notice. The sta- tion is run by a part-time sta- tion manager. Yellow Springs News C : P.O. Box 187, 253 Xenia Ave., 937‑767‑7373, fax: 937‑767‑2042 E : ysnews@ysnews.com W: www.ysnews.com Founded in 1880, the Yellow Springs News is an award- winning, independent, weekly newspaper that serves Yellow Springs and beyond wi th timely, accurate and essen- tial information to keep the government accountable, pro- mote civic engagement, cele- brate village life and preserve local history. Its mission is to create journalism anchored in integrity, accountability and transparency. The paper has consistently won state journalism awards for its repor ting, editorial writing, adver tising, design and community ser vice and engagement, and has been selected “Newspaper of the Year” among similarly sized papers by the Ohio News Media Association for the last 10 years. Deadline for submissions is Monday, 5 p.m., the week of publication. COMMUNICATIONS 101Corry St. Yellow Springs, OH 937-319-0489 witH avarietY Of beerSbreweD in houSe Serving loCalwineS & CraFtbeerS OPeN: M–Th: F–Sa: Su: 11–9 11–10 1–9 Create your own sacred space... Fantasy Gifts • Tumbled Stones • Mineral Specimens • Metaphysical Books • Ritual Tools & Supples Psychic Tarot Reading Fridays & Saturdays 100 Corry St. • 937-767-2819 • Facebook.com/House-of-Ravenwood-Tarot-Readings Offering: Traditional, as well as cremation services Pre-arrangement counseling Educational/support materials handicapped accessible JACKSON LYTLE & LEWIS LIFE CELEBRATION CENTER 937-767-7310 • Fax: 937-399-2501 • 322 Xenia Ave., Yellow Springs I I A full-service adoption agency working with birthparents and adoptive parents. Naomi Ewald, LSW, MSW Voice: 937-767-2466 Birthparents line: 800-643-3356 naomi@adoptionlink.org www.adoptionlink.org