
90 GUIDE TO YELLOW SPR INGS | 2021– 2022 throughout the school year. The parish praises God in word, song and Eucharist in its masses on Sundays at 11:15 a.m. The parish has an outreach to various groups and people in the area. It rejoices in the rich- ness of the Roman Catholic tra- dition and in the diversity of a worshipping community drawn from the variety of Yellow Springs and its environs. Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Yellow Springs C : 937‑372‑5613, 937‑767‑1603 E : shbuzz2001@sbcglobal.net W: www.uuf -ys.org, www.uua.org Uni tar ian Universal ists value a free search for truth, the importance of reason and the right of conscience, draw- ing inspiration from science, histor y and all world reli - gions. Unitarian Universalists believe that spiritual wisdom is ever-changing, and seek to act as a moral force in the world, putting faith into action through social justice work in the community and the wider world. Unitarian Universalists are united by seven principles: • The inherent worth and dignity of every person • Justice, equity and com - passion in human relations • Ac c ep t anc e o f one another and encouragement for spiritual growth • A free and responsible search for truth and meaning • The right of conscience and the democratic process • Peace, liberty and justice for all • Respect for the interde - pendent web of life Individuals of all races, ethnic origins, religious phi- losophies, lifestyles, abilities and gender orientations are welcome at the Unitarian Uni - versalist Fellowship of Yellow Springs. The fellowship is located two miles south of Yellow Springs. In-person ser vices have been temporarily suspended due to the ongoing coronavi- rus pandemic. All are invited to explore the UUFYS website, visit the fellowship and discover the inclusive community of Uni - tarian Universalism. Yellow Springs Christian Center C : Pastor Charlie Bunton, 324 E. Dayton‑Yellow Springs Rd., 937‑767‑9133, 937‑767‑1997 E : charliebunton@gmail.com W: yschristiancenter.weebly.com The assembly is a small church that provides a family- like atmosphere for both sin- gles and families to find sup- port and encouragement. The special unique quality of each individual is cherished and nurtured. The body of believ- ers is warm and suppor tive, with strong belief in the Bible as God’s manual for everyday living. Worship is informal and participatory. T h e Ye l l o w S p r i n g s Assembl y of God Chr i s - tian Center began in 1975 as an independent fel low- ship, and in 1977 associated with the Assemblies of God Fellowship. Yellow Springs Dharma Center C : 502 Livermore St., E : info@ysdharma.org W: www.ysdharma.org The Yellow Springs Dharma Center is a Buddhist medi- tat ion center suppor t ing practice in the traditions of Vipassana, Zen and Tibetan Buddhism. The center seeks to create an environment that supports the development of calm, compassion and gener- osity; to encourage an aware- ness of one’s own thoughts; and to consider how one’s words and actions impact the world. To this end, the center sponsors many activities at the big brown house on Liver- more Street. The Center building will be closed until further notice due to COVID-19. Visit www. ysdharma.org for a schedule of outdoor and Zoom medita- tion times. Yellow Springs Friends Meeting (Quakers) C : Rockford Chapel, 515 President St. on Antioch College campus, 937‑232‑4250 W: www.quakercloud.org/ cloud/yellow-springs- friends-meeting Members of the Religious Society of Friends (Quak- ers) meet each Sunday; due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, meetings are held outside when weather per- mits at Rockford Chapel on the Antioch College campus and at Friends Care Commu- nity, as well as vir tually for those who cannot attend in person. Quakers recognize a mea- sure of divine presence in every person, and their wor- ship times, called meetings, deepen the individual and corporate relationship with the divine/God/Spirit. Meet- ings for worship are held in silence, with individuals deliv- ering spoken ministry when led by the Spirit. Visit the Meeting’s web- si te for more informat ion on in-person and v i r tua l meetings. SPIRITUAL ORGANIZATIONS Continued from page 89 B ONADIE S G LASSTUDI O A Colorful Gallery of Glass  Custom stained and beveled glass  Windows, lamps and mirrors  Blown glass from artisans around the U.S.  On-site work and repair services www.bonadiesglasstudio.com 937-767-7021 • 220 Xenia Ave., Yellow Springs Mon. –Thurs., 10 a.m.– 6 p.m. Fri. & Sat., 10 a.m.–8 p.m. Sun.,10–6 p.m. bonadiesglass @ gmail.com