
SUBSCRIBE TODAY www.ysnews.com/ subscribe GUIDE TO YELLOW SPR INGS | 2021– 2022 91 Yellow Springs Havurah C : Leonard Kramer, 937‑767‑2324 E : Len2654@gmail.com W: groups.io/g/ysh T h e Ye l l o w S p r i n g s Havurah provides Jewish spiritual, religious, cultural, social and educational expe- riences. The Havurah holds Shabbat services on the first and third Saturdays of each month at 10 a.m. at Rock- ford Chapel on the Antioch Col lege Campus. Contact Leonard Kramer at len2654@ gmail.com for questions A schedule of Havurah activi- ties, including High Holy Day Services, is posted at groups. io/g/ysh. Yellow Springs United Methodist Church C : Rev. Rick Jones; Linda Shook, 202 S. Winter St., 937‑767‑7560 (church) E : pastor-ysumc@­ yellowsprings.com W: www.yellowspringsumc. com The Yellow Springs United Methodist Church is a warm, friendly, community-oriented congregat ion. The mem- bership is diverse and con- sists of professional, work- ing class and farm people, theologically representing the entire spectrum of faith understandings, from con- servative to progressive. The congregation is also racially and ethnically diverse. The force that holds the group together is love: the love of Christ and a love for human- kind. The Uni ted Methodi s t Church has been a presence in the village since 1837. Its cur rent building was com- pleted in 1846, dedicated in 1850, and has experienced a number of additions and improvements over the years. Today, the church ser ves the community by provid- ing space for local suppor t groups and organizations, including the communi ty Emergency Food Pantry and Home, Inc., a nonprofit hous- ing corporation. The Yellow Springs United Methodist Church is a faith- based communi ty where everyone is welcome. SPIRITUAL ORGANIZATIONS GLEN HELEN Glen Helen C : 405 Corry St., 937‑372‑1904 E : tclevenger@glenhelen.org W: www.glenhelen.org Glen Helen is the legacy of Hugh Taylor Birch, who donated a wooded glen to Antioch College in memor y of his daughter, Helen Birch Bar tlett. The scenic 1,125- acre preserve is rich in natu- ral formations and fixtures, accessible from a 15-mi le trail system. Visitors can wit- ness blooming wildflowers, majestic 400-year-old trees, imposing limestone cliff over- hangs, beautiful water falls and the historic yellow spring for which the town is named. Trails are open year-round during daylight hours. In 2020, ownership of Glen Helen was transferred from Antioch College to the Glen Helen Association, a member- ship-based organization estab- lished to support Antioch Col- lege and its ef forts to protect the Glen. To view maps, a calendar of events or to support the Glen, visit www.glenhelen.org. Located on W. north coL Lege & W. center coL Lege StreetS One-, two-, or three-bedrooms with 1½ baths and laundry on-site. 937 • 324 • 3606 HawtHorne Place • • Townhouse aparTmenTs • GREENE COUNTY C A R E E R C E N T E R • K E E P I N G W O R K F O R C E S T R O N G • 937-372-6941 • WWW . GREENECCC . COm Award-winning career/technical programs for high school and adult students. Minerva Bieri Realtor, ® Seniors Real Estate S pecialist (SRES) ® 937-430-0843 For listings, sales, market overview and more: www.MinervaBieri.com