GU I D E to Y E L L OW S P R I NG S | 2O22 – 2O23 27 thing very special, very different.” There are many Antiochians who are Antiochians through and through, who experience Antioch not just as a place to get an education and a degree but as a pivotal point in their lives. A point in which argu- ably their very nature — often previously hidden and at odds with much of the rest of our societal system — is allowed to shine and develop. After Antioch, these folks can then go on to nurture their nature, strengthen their ideals, allow for and participate in constant questioning and change, and live in an uncompromising har- mony with their world in a way they wouldn’t have been able to without Antioch. People like this simply could not have gone to any other college, no matter how “liberal” or seemingly progressive. Antioch is one of a kind, for one-of-a-kind people. Rod Serling was clearly one of these people. So am I. So are most of the Antiochians I have ever known. Without an Antioch that is just as boldly and unapolo - getically progressive, voluble, critical, intense, “wholesome[ly] dissent[ing],” “not anchored to any traditions of the past,” as it has been, historically — as Rod Serling was, as I strive to be — what will all the misfits do? ♦ ▲ Still from Serling’s “The Twilight Zone” episode “The Changing Of The Guard,” wherein the main character’s visit to a statue of Horace Mann ushers him into the Twilight Zone. Though the statue depicted is fictional, the reference to Antioch College is unmistakable. Gentle Dentistry “Caring for Your Teeth and Your Feelings” J. Marc Holser, D.D.S. 1153W. Second Street, Xenia Hours by Appointment www.jmarcholserdds.com • New Patients Welcome • Emergency Care • Complete Dental Care Available • 937-376-9464 •
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