GU I D E to Y E L L OW S P R I NG S | 2O22 – 2O23 37 Over the next several years, tests by the Ohio Environmen - tal Protection Agency revealed the presence of contaminants on and around the company’s property. Financial problems contin - ued to plague the company’s operation in Yellow Springs throughout the ’90s, accord - ing to a May 17, 1998, Dayton Daily News article titled “Vernay Choice — Do or Die.” In the article, Vernay CEO Tom Allen said, “We are declaring an emergency. If things don’t change quickly, we are going to have to consider other location options for much of the work that’s in Yellow Springs. The market is demanding we make some rather significant changes right now.” Out of the Vernay’s three U.S. and two European manu- facturing operations, only the Yellow Springs plant was not “doing well,” said Allen, who cited outdated manufactur- ing processes and workers’ resistance to change as the problems. In 1999, Vernay announced its intention to enter into the Ohio EPA’s Voluntary Action Program, or VAP, as the vehicle for cleaning up its property. However, some of the company’s neighbors expressed concern that the VAP program, which provides no EPA oversight and requires no public reporting, would not result in an adequate cleanup. In September 1999, a group of neighbors filed a lawsuit against the company seeking damages and U.S. EPA over - sight of Vernay’s cleanup. In 2002, the suit was settled and the plaintiffs were awarded an undisclosed amount of compensation, as well as oversight, along with the U.S. EPA, over cleanup activities. Later that year, a U.S. EPA officials said that the Vernay site had been identi - fied as “high priority” and that negotiations for cleanup activi - ties would begin soon. Vernay ceased manufactur- ing at its Dayton Street location in 2005, and in 2009, the plant was demolished to hasten site remediation efforts. According to the EPA’s website, Vernay installed a Ground Water Capture Treat - ment System to pump water from underneath the ground and remove chemicals using activated carbon as an interim clean up method. This “pump and treat” system works to slow the movement of con- taminated groundwaters. As of July 2019, over 200 million gal - lons of groundwater have been treated by this system. The EPA-supervised environmental cleanup of the site is ongoing. Although the company’s headquarters are now located in Georgia, a research and development lab remains in Yellow Springs on the campus of Antioch College. The Vernay Foundation was dis - solved in 2008. ♦ BlackPug Bike Repair 937-206-0980 BLACKPUGBIKES.COM AUTHORIZED DEALER for Bike Friday, Niner, HP Velotechnik recumbents, Industry Nine & other brands. By appointment only. PICK-UP & DELIVERY SERVICESOFFERED Minor repairs, tune-ups, wheel builds & overhauls. let's connect | llamAme 864-650-5886 YourMiamiValleyGirl laura.pardorao@coldwellbanker.com YOUR RELOCATION &RENOVATION CONNECTION Laura Pardo Rao Realtor ® A villager for over 14 years, I love helping people come home to the Miami Valley. With a background in marketing and investing, I will bring my passion for real estate and renovation to your home sale or search. ’ • Accepting new patients • Designer frame selection • Value packs for both single vision & bifocals • Coupon in the Yellow Springs News Dr.Todd McManus O.D. & Associates 937-319-6376 • 1496 Southgate Ave., Yellow Springs www.drtoddmcmanus.com • Facebook: Dr Todd McManus OD T w i n C o a C h a p a r T m e n T s 310 / 320 Union street Yellow springs, ohio 45387 937-767-9180 or 937-408-3424 Central Air • Fully Carpeted Two-Bedroom Apartments Two blocks from Downtown
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