
86 GU I D E to Y E L L OW S P R I NG S | 2O22 – 2O23 86 GU I D E to Y E L OW S P R I NG S | 2O 2 – 2O23 | COMMUN I TY L I S T I NGS T he following pages provide a listing and brief description of community organizations and institutions that contribute to the fabric of Yellow Springs. Please see the index on page 5 for listing page numbers. A R T S & R E C R E A T I ON Bridge CONTACT: Susan Freeman (Wednesday group), 937‑760‑5925 EMAIL: sf7547@msn.com An informal duplicate bridge group meets Wednesdays, 6:30–10 p.m., in the great room of the Senior Center, 227 Xenia Ave. We are meeting again on site with masks when the danger is high. As of printing, the Bridge group has suspended meetings until the threat of the coronavirus pandemic has passed; until then, those interested in joining in the future are welcome to contact the organizer for more information. Chamber Music in Yellow Springs CONTACT: 937‑374‑8800 EMAIL: info@cmys.org WEB: cmys.org Chamber Mus i c i n Ye l l ow Springs aims to enrich the musical life of the community and surround- ing areas by bringing world-class performances to local audiences. The ensembles often also pres- ent outreach programs in local schools and colleges. The CMYS 2022–23 season features performances by the Horszowski Trio (violin-cello-piano) on Oct. 2, 2022; the Dalí Quartet on Nov. 13, 2022; the Cata- coustic Consort, a baroque early music ensemble with voice, on Feb. 5, 2023; the Dover Quartet on April 2, 2023; and the 38th Annual Competition for Emerging Professional EnsemblesonApril 30, 2023. All concerts take place at 4 p.m. in the First Presbyterian Church. CMYS will be following all CDC guidelines in presenting its con- certs. For ticket info, visit cmys.org . Community Band CONTACT: James Johnston, Music Director; Brian Mayer EMAIL: delphi@ameritech.net; bmayer@ysschools.org WEB: facebook.com/ ys.communityband; ysmusic.org The Community Band is open to all adult woodwind, brass and per- cussion players without audition — middle and high school students may join by invitation or recom- mendation. Music reading is neces- sary. The band plays six to seven concerts a year: two in fall, two in winter/spring and three outdoor summer concerts in June and July. The repertoire includes standard marches, medleys of Broadway and Hollywood songs, big band and jazz sets and other works for concer t band in a variety of styles. Rehears- als are held Monday evenings, 7:30–9 p.m., in the YS High School band room. The Band will resume its full con- cert schedule starting in the Fall of 2022. Community Chorus CONTACT: James Johnston, Music Director; Carol Cottom, 937‑767‑1458 EMAIL: delphi@ameritech.net WEB: ysmusic.org Founded in 1972, the Yellow Springs Communi ty Chor us is open without audition to all who enjoy singing, can attend rehears- als regularly and are able to learn and per form the music. The abil- ity to read music is desirable, but not required. The chorus usually gives two or three performances a year, often with orchestra, and sings music from a variety of styles, peri- ods and genres. Past repertoire has included Handel’s “Judas Macca- baeus” and “Messiah,” Orf f ’s “Car- mina Burana,” and the Mozart and Fauré Requiems. Rehearsals are on Sunday eve- nings, 7–9 p.m., in the YS High School band room. The chorus grateful ly recei ves donat ions through the Yellow Springs Ar ts Council. Depending on Greene County COVID statistics, masking may still be requested. John Bryan Community Pottery CONTACT: Brad Husk, studio operations manager, 937‑767‑9022; 100 Dayton St. EMAIL: jbcp.ys@gmail.com WEB: communitypottery.com John Bryan Community Pottery (JBCP) is a community studio that offers an extensive array of classes, workshops and studio rentals. The center also features a gallery, exhib- iting and selling the work of its members and other ceramic artists. For more than 45 years, the nonprofit studio has been provid- ing oppor tunities for learning and working with clay to the Yellow Springs community and surround- ing areas. The studio is well-equipped with a gas reduction kiln, a wood-fired kiln, raku kiln, electric kilns, 12 wheels, a slab roller, extruder and glaze room. Renters have 24-hour access to the studio. See website for class and work- shop schedule. Little Art Theatre CONTACT: Kristina Heaton, director, 937‑767‑7671 EMAIL: kheaton@littleart.com WEB: littleart.com The Li t t le Ar t Theat re has provided film enter tainment and enlightenment — and so much more — to Yellow Springs and the surrounding Miami Valley for over 90 years. A donor supported 501(c) (3) nonprofit facility, it made the leap into the digital age in 2013. The Little Ar t takes pride in its mix of independent and main- stream of ferings, with commercial favorites not being prioritized over independent movies and docu- mentaries. A local landmark, the theater’s iconic house lights, clas- sic marquee and concession treats all represent an experience that is more personal than in large, for- profit venues. The Little Art is also known for its special programs that encourage local filmmakers, organizations and community members to utilize the theater in numerous ways, includ- ing bringing documentaries that champion their cause. The Little Ar t also hosts community events and collaborations with other local nonprofits. The theater is available for people to rent for their own spe- cial events as well. For more informat ion or to become a Friend of the Little Art or a Business Partner, email littleartof- fice@gmail.com , call 937-767-7671 or visit littleart.com . Shakespeare Reading Group CONTACT: Deborah McGee, 937‑823‑8073 EMAIL: mcklappich@sbcglobal.net At press time, Shakespeare Read- ing Group will take a break until the “High” COVID designation by the CDC, as reported weekly in the YS News, reflects safer conditions. Meet- ings are 1:30–3 p.m. every Sunday at the Senior Center. See the June 30, 2022, issue of YS News for a feature the weekly published about them. For decades, a number of vil- lagers have gathered on Sunday afternoons to revel in the English language at its richest, as written by The Bard. Attendees — whether drop-ins or those who’ve par tici- pated for years — sit in a circle, and each person reads the next charac- ter’s lines. Occasionally the group stops to discuss or debate. Readers choose both well-known plays like “Hamlet,” and less-familiar plays such as “Pericles.” For more infor- mation, contact Deborah McGee, or watch for announcements in the Yellow Springs News’ calendar. Weavers’ Guild CONTACT: Diana Nelson, P.O. Box 825, 937‑767‑9487 WEB: wgmv.org The Weavers’ Guild of the Miami Valley was organized in 1949 to pro- mote interest in handweaving and spinning. The Guild is a nonprofit educational organization that pro- motes handweaving, hand-spinning and the textile arts. The Guild offers education programs in fiber tech- niques and processes and encour- ages ar tistic awareness through topical lectures, discussions, exhib- its, workshops and demonstrations. For information on meeting times and locations, check the website, or contact Diana Nelson. World House Choir CONTACT: Catherine Roma, 513‑560‑9082 EMAIL: worldhousechoir@gmail.com WEB: worldhousechoir.org ; facebook.com/worldhousechoir The mission statement of the World House Choir is to per form music that motivates and inspires communities toward justice, diver- sity, inclusion and equality. We strive for peace and build a web of mutuality The World House Choir is a diverse, mixed-voice community choir, whose reper toire is drawn from the music of peace and jus- tice struggles worldwide, including global folk music, spirituals, gospel, traditional and classical musics. Rehearsals are held Monday eve- nings at 7 p.m. at the Foundry The- ater. New singers are invited to join periodically. Please email for more information. Yellow Springs Arts Council CONTACT: P.O. Box 459; 111 Corry St., 937‑679‑9722 EMAIL: ysartscouncil@gmail.com WEB: ysartscouncil.org The Yellow Springs Arts Council suppor ts local ar ts infrastructure through program oppor tunities, publicity, education, advocacy and coordinated par tnerships across