
88 GU I D E to Y E L L OW S P R I NG S | 2O22 – 2O23 8 GU I D E to Y E L OW S P R I NG S | 2O 2 – 2O23 | COMMUN I TY L I S T I NGS Ar thur Morgan Institute for Com- muni ty Solut ions — cul t ivates community resilience by modeling regenerative practices that restore ecosystem health, heal our relation- ship with the land and grow just and equitable food systems. Agraria’s 140-acre proper ty is a research and demonstration site for regen- erative farming and land use prac- tices. Agraria of fers conferences, workshops, events and K–12 educa- tional and nature-based children’s programming. Alcoholics Anonymous CONTACT: Marc Welch, 937‑554‑6518; Tom Dano, 937‑222‑2211, EMAIL: centraloffice@aadaytonon‑ line.org WEB: aadaytononline.org Alcoholics Anonymous is a fel- lowship of men and women who meet to attain and maintain sobriety. The only requirement for member- ship is a desire to stop drinking. There are no membership dues or fees. The schedule of meetings in Yellow Springs is as follows: • Sundays , 7 p.m., Rockford Chapel — Yellow Springs Group; • Mondays , 8 p.m., United Methodist Church — Winter Street Group; • Wednesdays , 7 p.m., Rockford Chapel — Young People’s/Beginners Group; • Thursdays , 7 p.m., Rockford Chapel — No Name Group. • Fridays, 6 p.m., Free Your Mind Enhance Worldwide CONTACT: Ashley Lackovich‑Van Gorp, 937‑708‑0144 EMAIL: enhanceworldwide@gmail. com WEB: enhanceworldwide.org Enhanc e Wo r l dw i de env i - sions communities where girls and women have the skills to lead meaningful, dignified lives and where each individual has agency, autonomy and aspirations. Working toward this vision, Enhance World- wide helps girls, women and their communities discover strategies to navigate the challenges to their well-being in order to develop as individuals in their own right. The organization currently serves 150 direct beneficiaries across three programs in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Activities focus on minimalizing the risk of child marriage, forced labor, violence and traf ficking through family support, access to education and life skills development. Feminist Health Fund CONTACT: 937‑767‑8949; P.O. Box 323, Yellow Springs, OH 45387 EMAIL: info@feministhealthfund.org WEB: feministhealthfund.org Founded in 1980, The Feminst Health Fund, a Yellow Springs- based nonprofit, has raised funds to help women in Greene County pay for traditional and alterna- t ive medical -related expenses. For more information, to make a donation or to apply for a grant, call 937-767-8949 or visit our web- site. Food Co-op/ Buying Club CONTACT: Luan Heit, 937‑767‑1823 The Yellow Springs Food Co-op is a local buying club. The group orders natural and organic food and other household products at af fordable prices, with a minimum of work for its members. Members place orders online from a wide selection of products. Deliver y is ever y four weeks on Wednesday afternoon. Friends Care Community CONTACT: 150/170 E. Herman St., 937‑767‑7363 WEB: friendshealthcare.org Friends Care Community has a single goal: the af firmation of life. Friends Care’s continuous care community has succeeded in meeting the needs of seniors who seek securi ty and qual i ty care, first with extended care, then with assisted living and indepen- dent living homes. Friends Care is located on a 22-acre campus. Friends is owned and operated by the Friends Health Care Associa- tion and has been a nonprofit com- munity since 1977. Friends Care is a 66-bed skilled and long-term nursing facility. In August of 2011, Friends completed a new rehabilitation center with 16 private rooms for shor t-term stay rehab and nursing services. Friends Assisted Living Center is a licensed 20-unit facility designed to enhance independence, security and socialization in a quiet setting. Friends Independent Living Homes are senior living duplexes, and each features a garage, appli- ance s and ma i n t enance - f r ee living. James A. McKee Association CONTACT: Don Hollister, president, 937‑767‑4641; Paul Abendroth, vice‑president, 937‑767‑1678; Peggy Erskine, treasurer, 937‑767‑7856 WEB: 45387.org; facebook.com/ James‑A‑McKee‑Associa‑ tion‑284‑986‑248585882 The James A. McKee Associa- tion, or JAMA, aka Jim’s Group, for- merly known as the Yellow Springs Men’s Group, is a nonprofit civic organization organized in 1994 by the late James A. McKee, former police chief of Yellow Springs. The goal of the association is to encourage volunteerism, which helps build and strengthen the Yellow Springs community. Pro- grams hosted by the organization include research, public informa- tion forums and educational and charitable projects. The association sponsors the annual “Founders Award” in rec- ognition of an individual or group, nominated by villagers, for their community volunteer contribu- tions. The James A. McKee Schol- arship is awarded annually to YS High School graduates who have demonstrated academic achieve- ment and leadership skills while overcoming adversity. “Candidates Night” allows community mem- bers to meet candidates for local of fice and to learn more about their qualifications and plans for supporting local interests. Special projects sponsored by the association include “The Cost- Of -Living Repor t ,” “The Local Communications Network Study” and “The Community Information Project.” In collaboration with other organi- zations, the association helps support the annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Oratory Contest, The Odd Fellows Fireworks Celebration and many of the activities sponsored by The 365 Project. Masonic Lodge CONTACT: 937‑767‑7882 WEB: facebook.com/YellowSprings ‑ MasonicLodge421 The Yellow Springs Masonic Lodge was char tered in 1868. Its mission is to provide a fraternal brotherhood that suppor ts the principles of brotherly love, relief and tr uth. Masonr y is a place where one can f ind unl imi ted oppor tunities to acquire leader- ship experience, self-development and personal growth while enjoy- ing fellowship and ser vice to the community. McKinney/YSHS PTO EMAIL: yshspto@gmail.com All parents/guardians of stu- dents attending McKinney Middle School or YSHS will be considered members of the PTO. There are no membership dues. The PTOmeets monthly; the reg- ular meeting time will be announced at the beginning of the school year. Discussion, speakers and events are planned to strengthen the com- munity and develop parent and edu- cational success. Mills Lawn PTO WEB: millslawnpto.com ; facebook. com/MillsLawnPTO The Mills Lawn Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is a volunteer organization that strives to sup- por t students, families and teach- ers in the educational process by providing educational enrichment programs and services, as well as social activities for the Mills Lawn Elementary School community. The PTO sponsors fundraising events to pay for these activities, programs and services. NAMI of Clark, Greene & Madison Counties EMAIL: info@namicgm.org WEB: namicgm.org NAMI Clark, Greene and Madi- son Counties (National Alliance on Mental Illness) is a nonprofit, grass- roots organization offering support, education and advocacy for persons living with mental illness and their families, friends and caregivers. Learn more at namicgm.org . NAMI Connect ion Recover y Support Group is a free and ongo- ing recover y suppor t group for adults with mental illness. Partici- pants can safely and confidentially talk about their mental illness, learn new coping skills and find hope for a realistic future. Due to COVID-19, meetings are being held weekly via Zoom. NAMI Family Support Group is a free and ongoing suppor t group for family and friends of individuals who live with mental illness. Partici- pants share their experiences and of fer mutual encouragement. Due to COVID-19, meetings are held monthly via Zoom. Cal l 937-322-5600 to receive Zoom links for these meetings. For more information about NAMI CGM, contact the group as listed above. In case of any medical emer- gency, dial 911.