
90 GU I D E to Y E L L OW S P R I NG S | 2O22 – 2O23 90 GU I D E to Y E L OW S P R I NG S | 2O 2 – 2O23 | COMMUN I TY L I S T I NGS community projects are open to nonprofit groups. The Foundation also operates the Nonprofit Leader- ship Institute to engage and inspire community service through educa- tion; and its Miller Fellowship pro- gram, which funds the employment of local students in area nonprofits and businesses, is a key resource for students and nonprofits foster- ing community through work. Those who need tax relief may enhance their giving by engaging with the Foundation to distribute the funds. When a large gift is donated to the Foundation for tax purposes smaller gifts to nonprofits of the donor’s choice can be pro- vided over multiple years. The Foundation has been sup- porting donors and local nonprofits to build an extraordinary commu- nity since 1974. Contact the YSCF to be part of the effort. Yellow Springs Historical Society CONTACT: David Neuhardt, President, 937‑767‑7106; Gillian Hill, 937‑767‑7432, P.O. Box 501 WEB: yshistory.org; blog.yshistory. org; “Yellow Springs Historical Society” on Facebook The Yel low Springs Histori - cal Society, founded in 1985, is dedicated to telling the stories of Yellow Springs’ histor y. The soci- ety looks for fresh ways of making the histor y of Yel low Springs, Miami Township and the region real and exciting to local residents and visitors. The society plans four or more programs a year at which a dif fer- ent story is told. The society also seeks to make these stories acces- sible to a wider audience through other means, including exhibits at the Street Fair and other public events; publications, including the popular reprint of Harold Igo’s local ghost stories and a biography of William Mills by Jane Baker; coop- eration with local history programs in schools; stories and announce- ments on the website and Facebook; suppor t of oral and video histor y projects; advocacy for the preserva- tion and collecting the stories of his- toric structures, and maintenance of the Antioch Bookplate archives. Future projects include tours with supplemental brochures, a formal inventor y of a growing collection of ar tifacts, in-depth research on the historical houses of Yellow Springs and the long-term vision of a museum and research center. The Historical Society is a co-sponsor of the Grinnell Mill Foundation, which promotes the preser vation of the historic Grinnell Mill just outside of Yellow Springs. Yellow Springs Home, Inc. CONTACT: P.O. Box 503, 937‑767‑2790 EMAIL: info@yshome.org WEB: yshome.org; facebook.com/ yellowspringshomeinc Yellow Springs Home, Inc. is a nonprofit community development corporation whose mission is to strengthen community and diver- sity in Yellow Springs and Miami Township by providing permanently af fordable, sustainable housing through its Community Land Trust. Home, Inc. accomplishes its mission through the following major areas: Developing forever af fordable rentals and for-sale homes for persons of low-to-moderate income; client- rirst programs including one-on-one financial and homebuyer coaching, providing low-interest USDA mort- gages, facilitating home repair grants, and post-purchase support; and com- munity-virst programs, including lead convening of the Inclusive and Resilient Yellow Springs Coalition, charged with working to create a more equitable, inclusive and livable Yellow Springs. Yellow Springs Home, Inc. has built or rehabbed 40 forever afford- able homes, has not had a single foreclosure since founding, and has provided more than $7,000,000 in community economic development. Yellow Springs Home, Inc. is organized as a membership-based Community Land Trust (CLT) with a board of directors with at least one-third constituency representa- tion, including homeowners in the CLT. The goal of CLT housing is to provide lasting affordability of each home built for long-term inclusion and community stabilization. Home, Inc. welcomes commu- nity volunteers and members. Yellow Springs Neighborhood Gardens, Inc. CONTACT: 937‑767‑2729, 937‑750‑6090 EMAIL: florentina62621@gmail.com WEB: Facebook: Neighborhood Gardens of Yellow Springs Neighborhood gardening is based on a simple idea: to have places within walking distance of one’s home where neighbors can garden together — and have fun. Presently, six neighborhood gardens are open. Friends Care, Fair Acres Park, Corry Street, Bill Duncan Park, Frogtown Reserve on Glass Farm and President Street. This year, more than 70 villag- ers have garden plots. Most pres- ent gardeners do not have land, or do not have suitable sites for home gardens because of shade. Fees and deposits are not required, in order to promote central values of inclu- siveness, equality and affordability. The gardens of fer safe places to explore, fail, succeed, develop, experiment, show of f, see how others garden, learn from others and have fun. The steering com- mittee is comprised of elected rep- resentatives from each neighbor- hood garden, and as need arises, experienced garden mentors and landowner representatives. Yellow Springs Repair Café CONTACT: Kat Walter, 937‑475‑9207 EMAIL: kat@volksmail.com WEB: ysrepaircafe.org The Yellow Springs Repair Café, connected to repaircafe.org, brings villagers together as volunteers fix — and teach neighbors how to fix — broken goods people wish to reuse. This free, quarterly event builds a stronger community and teaches neighbors how to repair their own goods while reducing the waste stream. Yellow Springs Resilience Network EMAIL: ysresilience@gmail.com WEB: facebook.com/ysresiliencenet ‑ work The Yellow Springs Resilience Network is a collaborative network of individuals and organizations in the village who aim to eliminate greenhouse gas emissions and create long-term resilience — not only to the effects of climate change, but also as an ecological community in the village. The network is committed to developing a highly inclusive and equitable local economy, increasing local renewable energy production, greatly increasing and distributing the amount of locally produced food, cutting transportation emissions, sup- porting the development of highly energy-ef ficient housing and build- ings and eliminating waste entirely. All are welcome to participate. Yellow Springs Senior Center CONTACT: Caroline Mullin, Director; 227 Xenia Ave., 937‑767‑5751 EMAIL: info@ysseniors.org WEB: ysseniors.org The Yel low Spr ings Senior Center is dedicated to enhancing the dignity and quality of life for seniors in Yellow Springs and Miami Township and has been a mainstay of the community since 1959. The Senior Center is located in the heart of Yellow Springs on Xenia Avenue. The Senior Center provides assis- tance in the following areas: • Suppor t services and naviga- tion of available benefits, finding solutions for seniors to remain in their homes, aids caregivers and assists with ser vices through the Greene County Council on Aging and other Greene County services. • Transpor tation to and from medical appointments, personal care appointments or tasks and Senior Center activities and pro- grams. • Homemaking Services: assists seniors with tasks such as clean- ing, laundry, food preparation and errands. • Provides activities with enjoy- able socialization, physical exercise and new skills. Membershi p in the Seni or Center is open to everyone. Family members are encouraged to join and become aware of the resources available. A bi-monthly newsletter is published that provides information on all the activities and programs available at the Senior Center. Yellow Springs Threshold Singers CONTACT: Linda Chernick, 937‑234‑SING (7464) WEB: thresholdchoir.org/yellow ‑ springs The Yellow Springs Threshold Singers work to bring compassion and comfort to those at the threshold between living and dying through bedside song. When invited, a small group of singers — usually two or three — comes to sing quietly at bedside for perhaps 20 to 30 minutes in hospitals, nursing homes and pri- vate homes. Singers are sensitive to the physical and emotional needs of the individual and family, always respecting the desire for privacy and family time. The singing is meant to soothe and inspire. Family, friends and caregivers are welcome to listen or to quietly join in. There is no charge for this service. The Yellow Springs Threshold Singers group is open to all women who feel called to this service. Musical training is not necessary — only a desire to sing from the heart, blending voices with other singers learning the beautiful Threshold Choir repertoire. As this is not a performance group, mem- bers work on learning to sing quietly together, listening to one another and blending voices. Singing at bedside comes in time, when the new singer is ready.