
22 2O24–2O2 5 GU I D E to Y E L LOW S P R I NG S “He helped me through so many things from second to sixth grade, and I don’t think I’ve ever properly thanked him for that. Thank you, Mr. Gudgel!” — Zoe Hamilton, Class of 2023 Year after year, the Yellow Springs News prints a booklet featuring members of the Yellow Springs High School graduating class. In it, students are encour- aged to write essays talking about their experiences through- out their career at the school, the people who impacted them, and the memories they will carry as they enter adulthood. Each year students talk about a teacher, administrator or coach who inspired or influenced them, and each year John Gudgel’s name is mentioned. A stalwart face in the Yellow Springs district, Gudgel has served as a teacher, coach, prin- cipal and guidance counselor in his nearly 40-year career with the district beginning in 1979. Gudgel said he always knew he wanted to pursue a degree in education, but he initially decided to go into business edu- cation after taking a typing class at Yellow Springs High School. “I could type faster than any- body else,” Gudgel said. “But I also had this love of history.” So, “as many students do,” Gudgel said he switched his major from business to history, deciding that it would provide long term stability and an oppor- tunity to approach learning and teaching in a different manner. “Becoming a social stud- ies teacher provided me an opportunity in terms of social awareness, social conscience — all those things that sometimes we forget about as human beings,” Gudgel said. “[Social studies teaches] the importance of getting along BEYOND THE CLASSROOM By JESSICA THOMAS ▲ A pillar in the Yellow Springs Schools, John Gudgel has been a teacher, principal, guidance counselor and coach. He is also a founding member of The 365 Project and worked at the Village Mediation Program coordinator for 11 years.home, now housing its fourth family, was designed by local architect Patty Rice. with others, living in a world where we have to learn how to understand and work with people from different back - grounds and cultures.” Gudgel said he particularly liked finding ways to teach about those differences through subjects like geography. “Students will certainly tell you, ‘Mr. Gudgel was the only teacher who made me memo- rize all 50 states and capitals,’” Gudgel said. “But it was a well-liked class, and, again, it enhances the opportunity to learn about people from differ - ent parts of the world.” Understanding and accept- ing those differences from pupil to pupil is what Gudgel said has helped him connect with and guide many students over the years. “I just saw, and continue to see, so much potential [in students],” Gudgel said. “When people are working together and supporting one another they can reach a level of success.” Over the course of his long career as a teacher, administra- tor, counselor and coach, Gudgel said he has developed a philoso- phy with three pillars: listening to students, showing a sense of caring and support and making students feel like they are a part of the educational process. “As a teacher, we can stand in front of a group of kids and we can do all the talk- ing,” Gudgel said. “Yet we fail to listen and engage them in the process of education and teaching. When they know that you’re listening, they know that you’re a caring individual, then they feel important and valued.” Throughout his time as an administrator Gudgel’s job was to both make decisions for the student body and mentor new teachers. In that role, Gudgel said he urged new teachers to understand that education, ARE YOU SEEKING A NEW SPIRITUAL HOME? The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Yellow Springs is a progressive, inclusive, supportive congregation for people with diverse beliefs, committed to social justice and a free and responsible search for truth and meaning. YOUMAY BE A UU ANDDON'T KNOW IT! Unitarian niversalist Fellowship 2884 St. Rt. 68, 2 miles south of YS • 10:30 a.m. SUNDAY SERVICE • 937-372-5613 | UUF-YS.org facebook.com/UUFYS Building rental available, with air conditioning and geothermal heat.