
2O2 4 – 2O2 5 GU I D E to Y E L LOW S P R I NG S 35 In speaking with the News, village residents and co- founders of The Jael Group, or TJG, Steven and Jalyn Roe, often mentioned a spiritual concept related to “the way”: an opening, path, direction, even a process that at times means finding “a way out of no way.” This concept plays a central role in the work they have been doing in a busi- ness partnership spanning 35 years and are passion- ate about — which is taking businesses and nonprofits on a journey of sorts, through a facilitated strategic aspira- tion process the Roes call a “SOAR analysis.” They’ve also invested time working with companies and organizations to strengthen their diversity, equity and inclusion, or DEI, policies, and have walked as facilitators to guide organiza- tions through difficult conver - sations to resolve conflicts. The couple’s foundational business philosophy is, “Suc- cess always comes on the other side of service.” “At heart, Jalyn and I are teachers. We love pouring into people and organizations, and we recognize that,” Chief Strategic Officer Steven Roe said. According to company information provided to the News by TJG, the analysis also involves identifying organizational strengths, opportunities, aspirations and results — information that can then be used by companies and nonprofits to, “help them map out how to achieve the results they are seeking,” with usable strategic plans that will ensure sustainability and longevity. TJG has worked with a number of Yellow Springs organizations, including WYSO, The 365 Project, Antioch College, The Village of Yellow Springs, the James A. McKee Association spon - sored candidates’ forums and Yellow Springs Schools. TJG is quick to point out what it is not — “an eight- hour, all-day-long, one-and- done, check-off-the-box process.” Their description emphasizes a model that is more egalitarian in approach. “It works for everyone within an organization, irrespective of position or hierarchical level, as long as each individ- ual is committed to working ▲ The Jael Group co-founders and villagers Steven and Jalyn Roe are seated in the Yellow Springs home that has been in Jalyn Roe’s family for eight generations. P H O T O : C H E R Y L D U R G A N S mvpottery.com 145 hyde rd, ys 937-767-7517 MIAMI VALLEY POTTERY 'SOARING' THROUGH LIFE By CHERYL DURGANS