
48 2O24–2O2 5 GU I D E to Y E L LOW S P R I NG S a lonely and frustrating jour - ney. Stamina and perseverance are required in the pursuit of justice, and people who are, at first, enthusiastic about a cause can fall to the side as time goes on. “It's easy for it to fizzle out — you can get that initial burst of energy around a social justice issue, but you're always going to lose some people,” Moyenda said. “So it's important to be able to connect whatever your issue is to some sort of long- term change and tap into the people with a deeper sense of justice, democracy — people who have already wrapped themselves in those kinds of values.” He added: “If you're not privy to the steps it takes to organize and keep people engaged, then it's going to be difficult to sustain any kind of movement.” Activist work in Yellow Springs requires coalition- building and strong allyship, Moyenda said, given the racial demographics of a commu- nity in which the majority of people are white. When asked what makes white people become stronger allies to their Black and Brown neighbors, Moyenda said: “Having some firsthand experience, self- education, mutual empathy — [being] willing to learn, pay attention, get involved.” And perpetuating commu - nity within activist spaces — and social justice values within community — means continu - ing to educate community members on what change is needed for all to live free of persecution. “Rallies and teach-in spaces — the people who come out to those are more likely to carry that energy into their families, neighborhoods, workplaces, organizations they work for,” Moyenda said. “Then they’ll create avenues and spaces for people who continue to address [social justice] issues.” ♦ and conciliatory. Village offi - cials maintained in response that the chief’s approach was necessary to de-escalate the situation and not provoke the Klan. The Wrecking Crew also received pushback from Village leadership for their weekly rallies, with leadership airing concerns that organizers were marching weekly without a permit or approved routes and had not acknowledged prior Village efforts to address racism. In 2023, Moyenda and members of the Wrecking Crew reflected on their experi - ences over those months of public advocacy during a public panel discussion, during which Moyenda expressed pride in the young activists’ resilience. “I think there’s a lot that goes into how to be antira - cist,” Moyenda said during the panel discussion, speaking to members of the Wrecking Crew. “It’s complicated and it’s difficult, and it’s prob - ably why so few people do it, but we’re really proud of the approach, you know, of your self-assessment. … I remember seeing you all after rallies, get - ting together and meeting at a picnic table on the [Mills Lawn] school grounds, planning for the very next week. That had to be stressful to know that you were doing this every week.” Speaking with the News, Moyenda acknowledged that activist work can, at times, be ▲ Yellow Springs residents played a large role in calling for justice after the 2014 police shooting of John Crawford III in a Beavercreek Walmart. Here, from left, villagers Joan Chappelle, Cheryl Smith and Bomani Moyenda were among area residents demonstrating at the Greene County courthouse in Xenia in December of 2014. P H O T O : A U D R E Y H A C K E T T 937-999-8751 or 937-450-3495 More than 40 Years Planting and Caring for the Urban Forest and Tribute Trees in YS ystreecommittee@gmail.com TheYellow Springs TreeCommittee 132 Dayton St. 937-767-1445 stores.comichub.com/ superFlycomicsgames yellowspringsbrewery.com A private event venue and a production facility for our aged brews. Featuring a private bar,patio seating, serving our handcrafted beers & specialty cocktails. Mindfully brewed craft beer, local art, daily food truck fare & a relaxing dog friendly patio, situated along the Little Miami Scenic Trail. TAP ROOM BARREL ROOM 305 N. Walnut Street 1475 Xenia Ave STRENGTHING COMMUNITY THROUGH PERMANENTLY-AFFORDABLE HOUSING  WWW.YSHOME.ORG  INFO@YSHOME.ORG | 937-767-2790 Contact us for membership, home buyer information, rentals, home repair, community-first programs or to join our home buyer coaching program. C E L E B R A T I N G 25 Y E A R S