
62 2O24–2O2 5 GU I D E to Y E L LOW S P R I NG S By REILLY DIXON What comes to mind when you think of an archivist? Are they a niche antiquarian holed up in the fortieth floor of an impenetrable ivory tower? A basement-dwelling guardian of two-ton tomes, allergic to light and forever fearful of clumsy students mucking up their pristine materials? Antioch College Archivist Scott Sanders is proud to say he’s none of those things — though he still takes his stewardship of the stacks quite seriously. For nearly three decades, Sanders has welcomed scores of students, researchers, amateur historians, nostalgic villagers and even small-town journalists to join him on the second floor of the Olive Kettering Library — the site of Antioch College’s vast archives and special collections, other - wise known as Antiochiana. “You’re not a real archive if your materials aren’t avail- able for use,” Sanders told the News. “The central principle I take to this job is we — that is, me and all the ‘stuff’ — are here to serve scholarship, to help people get in touch with the sources they need to do their work.” “It’s really that simple,” he said through his classic cheshire grin. “By default, I’ve become the nominal historian of the college.” Since he began his career at Olive Kettering Library in 1994, Sanders has overseen and maintained Antiochiana’s prodigious collection of histori - cal artifacts — now numbering in the millions. That means tending to his 200 second-floor shelves that brim with more than 8,000 original publications from famed Antiochians such as college founder Horace Mann and former president Arthur Morgan; hundreds of cassettes and recordings; 1 P H O T O : R E I L L Y D I X O N DISPATCHES FROM THE ANTIOCH ARCHIVES ▲ For nearly 30 years, Antioch College Archivist Scott Sanders has tended and catalogued the million-plus historical materials that populate the 200 shelves at Antiochiana, the college’s collec - tion of archives and artifacts. Here, he stands next to the voluminous boxes filled with former college president Arthur Morgan’s writings and research. Jail House SUITES Beautifully renovated historic jail house built in 1878. Just one “cell” block from downtown Yellow Springs. Available for overnight and extended stays. www.jailhousesuites.com 111N.Winter St.,YellowSprings,OH 45387 937-319-1191 3601US 68 Yellow Springs OH 45387 ☎ ( 937 ) 767-8700 yellowspringsmotel.com Your YELLOW SPRINGS ADVENTURE Starts Here ! a l s o I n - S t o r e H u m i d o r